A Proper Goodbye

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EXTRA (to lighten up the mood.)
Jean's P.O.V.

It's been what? Two days since y/n has left and I can't shake off this eerie feeling, the itching in my skin that craves for her touch.

So I decide to barge inside her room. Sasha's possessions are all scurried around, she's shaken up as much as I am. Though she insists on remaining on this room, it comforts her. On the other half of the room, I see f/n's belongings laid on top of her table and bed, untouched ever since her leaving.

I struggle not to hug her pillow, to feel her leftover scent. But if I do, then it'll be gone for sure.

I touch her pristine table, due to hours of cleaning and somewhat accustomed to our Captain's habits. God, she was perfect in every way and flaw. Ironically. The way she smiled, sighed, shook her head, hid her fear, but also broke down when it was too much. It was all perfect. But now she's gone, and all I have left is this goddamn eerie feeling.

This is happening for the second time, but meeting her wasn't a mistake. Loving her wasn't a mistake. It still isn't.

I open the drawers of her desk, one of them containing the pen I had earlier given her. And the other containing a stash of papers. And even though I shouldn't be reading them, I do. I'm shortly mesmerized by her light handwriting, each paper containing a name written in cursive. They're letters, small ones:


My roommate, my colleague, my best friend's supposed girlfriend, my shoulder to cry on, my potato stealer, my everything.

You're the pendant to my necklace, the sauce to my salad, the laces to my shoe. You keep me sane and without you, I'm nothing but crumbs to be deteriorated.

I died, and am dead. But don't worry, as long as we don't stop loving each other we won't lose our meanings.

Hopefully I'm in a better place now and I'll be protecting all of you from above or below, who knows.

Anyways. In other words, I hope you the best Sasha, because you always did your best for me. And I'm forever thankful for that. I'm afraid this is the end of my horrible, really meaningless letter. I'm afraid of not finding enough words for my massive thoughts.

Thank you Sasha,

With love and care,

F/n l/n.


I place it on top of Sasha's bed, and move on to the next one:



I can already feel your springing tears falling on this paper. See what I did there? Springing...

Connie Springer...

Nevermind, your mind's way too puzzling to actually understand any puns.

I'm so hopeless, trying to sound funny to avoid any sorrow. It's just impossible, you see... saying goodbye to someone you've known since birth. It's just impossible setting goodbyes to what were once huge beginnings. I hope you understand at least that. (~)

Haha, just messing with you.

First of all, how did I end up dead before you? Second of all... Well there is no second of all. I wish I could've spent more hours with you, even though we've known each other for more than a decade. I wish we could've shared more laughs.

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