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i woke up to the sweet smell of breakfast, though i could now only smell bacon, it was still something.

the living room picked up a small chill while i was sleeping but that only helped my sleeping. it was nothing major, just a small breeze.

i pulled myself off of the couch and dragged myself into the kitchen, where Alyssa stood.

"why are you up so early?" i said with a raspy voice while my eyes hung low. "its like what-"

"its 10 am, Alexandra," she says while eyeing me. "you seemingly slept well."

"yeah, whatever breeze that was, it was nice."

"i opened the window," she points.

"oh well, i slept well. the breeze made it 10 times better, thank you for opening the window," i was being highly sarcastic but she knew that already.

"you're welcome," she says simply. "when are you going home ?" damn, i can leave now.

i eyed her with my brow lifted, "you're saying it like you want me to leave and if that's the case, i can go home now."

"no one is saying that, Alex," she says simply. "just sit down and eat."

"after i eat is fine," i say suddenly.


"i can go home after i eat, Alyssa."

"shower ?"

"i can wait until i get home, i don't have a change of clothes."

instead of saying anything back, she gave me a simple nod as she sipped on her coffee.


"was that Alyssa?" my dad says as i shut the front door. by the time i made it home, it was almost 4 in the afternoon.

"yes," i nod.

"i can see that you two are getting along now," ew, no.

"ew, id still push her off a cliff," i say which caused a shocking look on my dads face. "and im not kidding."

"be nice, Alexandra."

"be nice, Alexandra," i mock him which he laugh to. "fine, ill be nice but if she get rude don't expect me to be the bigger person like dad you know me."

"yes i do but until then, just be nice."

if Alyssa get rude with me again, im not gonna hesitate to be the same way back. i don't know if she think she's some pillow princess but cut that shit, ill push you off a cliff lady.

i was honestly waiting for the holidays as it sure as hell began to look like it. everyone had their decorations out and up, the snow was starting to fall but would simply melt the morning after.

i enjoyed this time of the year but it sure did get gloomy and lonely at times.

however, the weekend passed gracefully fast which was a kick in the ass. i was currently making my way into my class which wasn't Alyssa's this time. i actually didn't have her until Friday.

"what kind of transformer schedule is this?" Ava spoke amongst herself.

i couldn't help but laugh, this girl was honestly stupid but i couldn't blame her. "girl what are you talking about ?"

"this damn schedule like do we have Miss. Adams or not ?"

"what do you mean ?"

"because they're saying we should have her now but as you can see, we have Mr. Will currently."

"maybe a glitch? we can go to the office and check it out," i shrug.

"please because i don't have the time."

"when do you like ever have time ?" i question as we laugh.

as we made our way into the office, we noticed 6 other students in there. damn, was everyone scheduled messed up as well?

"all of you should be in Miss. Adams class right now," one of the guidance counselor spoke loudly trying to calm the students. "the schedules are all messed up right now, i will reprint them all before next week."

well, okay.

Ava and i exchanged looks before we left the office and went off to class. coming in behind her, i noticed Miss. Adams at her computer and she was highly focused.

i gave the room a quick scan just to realize we were the only two students now in her classroom. what the hell ? what kind of day is today?

i took a sigh as i sat in a seat towards the front, getting out my papers as i quickly began working. soon she noticed we were in the room, "Ava, Alex, what are you two doing in here ?"

"glitch in the system, i don't know, i didn't think id be here today either," i shrug.

"same," Ava says with a shrug.

"well are you two the only ones that's gonna be in here today?"

"we don't know," we spoke in sync.

"well i didn't plan on having a class so you two can just sit there if you want."

immediately after she said that, the door flew open and a group of students flooded the classroom. well i guess that answers your question, we're not gonna be the only two.

the group consisted mostly of boys, which only meant they were gonna stare Miss. Adams down. every man here did, every chance they got. it was honestly weird but hey, they'd rather stare a teacher down then get their degree.

i can admit, Miss. Adams was very eye catching but i never looked at her like that and i honestly never would.

"hey Alexandra," i heard suddenly which caused me to look up. as my glance scanned in front of me, there stood our local football player. "i don't mean to bother you-"

"so why are you in front of me trying to speak with me then, Evan ?"

"i-i-" boy if you don't speak, shit.

"you what?" i asked as my brow lifted.

"i was just wondering if you'd you know .." he spoke lowly as he began trailing off. "get dinner or something ?"

"are you asking me out, sir ?" i asked in which he nods to. i know he could read my facial expression which was probably why he stood there with a stutter. "i like women."

"you're embarrassing yourself," i heard someone say from behind him. "you knew she liked women, why even ask, Evan."

i chuckle as i shake my head, "it doesn't have to be a date," he says simply. "it just be just two people having a small dinner."

"sure," i shrug.

"does tomorrow work for you?"

"ill get back with you, tomorrow after class."

"okay," he says before walking off.

i took a breath as i shook my head once more, i could really say no. i mean, it's just dinner-maybe.

"well that wasn't one bit of awkward," i heard Ava say suddenly. "are you really gonna take up that offer ?"

"probably not but dinner is dinner," i shrug. "dinner will not change the fact that i like women."

"yeah, you're like gay premium."

well, she had a point.

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