s1 e7

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fuck fuck fuck fuck, i was running a bit late to class. though i was up the street, i was already 10 minutes later than need be.

i quickly pulled up and parked in a close by parking spot. whew, school was kicking my ass.

"nice car, Alexandra," i heard suddenly. ew, it was David. "you look stunning as always." eh, how many women have you told that to, today?

"fuck off, David," i say flicking him off as i rushed into the school.

i took a breathe before i quickly made my way into the classroom. i swear everyone had to have been staring into my soul, like ew, pay attention to the lessons not me.

"nice of you to join us, Miss. Lance," Miss. Adams says simply. girl you did not have to do that, shit.

i gave her a small smiled as i grabbed a seat next to Ava, "what the hell took you so long?"

"girl calm your tits," i eye her. "i overslept just a tad bit."

"do you ever sleep at this point ?" barely.

"yes, now fuck off and pay attention."

class was passing by smoothly and before i knew it, it was over. i took as many notes as i could and paid attention when i didn't zone out.

we had a test coming up and i can admit, i wasn't ready for it. any kind of test or quiz could be the death of me.

"are you going ?" Ava asked.

"uh where exactly?"

"the dinner with Evan," she reminded me. shit, why not? it's just a dinner.

"yeah, why not. it'll be nice to get out of the house anyways."

"well good luck with that," she says shooting me a look. "ill be over your house, so ill see you there ?"

"yes," i say with a nod.


"and you take me to a bar?" i question while looking at him. "i know it's a food section in here but a bar, Evan ?"

"yes," he says simply. men are unbelievable, i don't know what he's thinking but this ain't that and that ain't this. "i mean i just turned 21." okay?

"didn't you just start college?" i asked.

he nods, "yes."

"so you're a freshman ?" i questioned.


"hm, well happy birthday," i gave him a slow nod.

"thank you," he shot me a smile

let this night pass slow, please.

as time passed ever so slow, he ordered a shot while i order a simple glass of water. don't judge me, i rather not drink and drive. plus, i drove us here.

this was the downsides of being "known" in town, people constantly trying to talk to you. i wasn't the mean type but i knew what kind of person you could be. people in this town were oh so predictable, it was crazy.

"so .." Evan says suddenly. "do you have a girlfriend, Miss. Lance ?"

"i don't think that would be your business," i shrug. was that mean ? maybe but i never liked people in my business, not even my father.

"no but i was just trying to make conversation," he says lowly.

"understandable," i nod. "but no, im single."

"are you looking?"

"no," i say simply trying to desperately leave this conversation. "how's your few weeks been at school?"

"its been okay, made a few friends," he says while taking another shot.

"why are you still drinking?" i held a confused expression. "you look dizzy, Evan."

"im fine," he says simply. i keep my attention all on him, he looks as though he was gonna pass out and apparently he didn't care.

"Evan," i lifted my brow as he began throwing up. "oh my god, what the fuck!"

luckily, it didn't get on me but oh my goodness, he just didn't listen. once he stopped throwing up, i tried to pull him up, which was barely working.

"you smell nice," he says suddenly. i could feel him breathing my scent in, gross. "your hair is so soft as well."

"Evan, you touch my hair, im gonna drop you face first onto this pavement," i say firmly.

"you're so mean," and you're drunk, you asshole.

"whatever," i roll my eyes. "where do you live dude ?" i eye him through my rear view mirror, he was laid back in the backseat of my car. boy if this kid throws up in my car, im gonna be pissed.

"5th and avenue, third block, last house," he says before groaning.

i shook my head as i took a breath, rubbing the steering wheel with my thumb as i drove fairly fast. it was pretty late, 8:00 o'clock sharp to be exact.

the roads were pretty empty so driving wasn't a hassle and most people in this big town, drive dumb as hell so yeah.

i pulled up to his house after about a 5-10 minute drive, i would've kicked him out but i knew he'd probably end up face first on the pavement.

"let's go," i say while practically dragging him out of the backseat.

this man was heavy, what the hell do he eat?

"you're beautiful Alexandra, you know that," he says while rubbing my forearm.

"boy ill slap the shit out of you," i say before dropping him.

"ugh," he groans while managing to pull himself up onto his feet. "don't be like that."

touch me and your face will meet my fist in two seconds, Evan.

"you're drunk and you need to go in the damn house," i rolled my eyes as i eyed him coldly.

"join me," he went and touched my bicep.

oh was he testing the waters tonight. i quickly and firmly blew a punch to his face, cashing his nose to bleed out. he fell back onto his back and i walked away with no hesitation.

men always took it there, right night wrong one.

i never socialised with anyone other than Ava, she was honestly the only person i sat and actually cared about making conversations with.

Evan better pray he lay there bleeding out of his nose, cause i punched him pretty hard.

i took a quick breath as i pulled up in front of my house, quickly parking in the drive way.

"is Alyssa here ?" i mumbled to myself as i glanced at a car in the front of the house. "maybe that's someone else, but then again, my dad don't like people, eh let's find out."

i made my way into the house and up the stairs, quickly noticing Alyssa in the halls.

"ah, i knew you were here," i was kind of surprised, why was she here ? "what you doing here ?"

"uh, why is there blood on your hand, Alex?"

there is ?

i glanced down at my hand noticing the blood, "oh, i didn't see that but that kid Evan, kept testing me. he got drunk and tried to be stupid."

"hm, okay," she says nodding slowly. "are you okay?"

"i am, yes. are you going back to your apartment?"

"yeah, i just had to stop by and get some things i forgot."

"well be safe," i say before walking off to my bedroom.

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