s3 e9

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            November 12th, 2015

making my way into the school, i was immediately greeted by the security guard, "morning Alex, try not to get into any trouble today, okay?"

it was never me who caused trouble, this school was so blind.

i waved him off as i kept pushing forward, "yeah Mr. Dig."

walking up the stairs, i turned the corner as i pushed towards my locker. quickly opening it, i gathered what i needed for my classes before shutting it, making my way to English.

damn, let this day go by any faster.

"Alex," i heard Ava speak from the side of me, shooting my attention towards her, i caught her eye. "you okay? you've been silent, all morning."

i shake my head, "im okay, i promise, let's get to English shall we?"

she nods, not bothering to conjure up a reply as we push off to English, taking a seat in our usual seating.

"morning class," Mrs. Brown starts with, turning around to face the class. "today will be a simple day, no essays, no stacks of paper work, just a small worksheet to let the load off."

the class silently cheered, making small talk amongst each other.

"Luis? mind passing the sheets out for me?" Mrs. Brown asked, extending her hand.

"not at all," he shook his head, bolting from his chair.

after getting my worksheet, i immediately started working. it wasn't hard, hell, it was English we were talking about. like, hello?

but many failed but everyone had their reasoning. id say i was one of them, well becoming one of them. my grades weren't doing the best right now, i was trying.

today was the big day and i didn't mean that in any exciting tone. my heart was filled with every ounce of sadness and i knew Ava was trying to make me feel better, but damn i was hurting.

i appreciate Ava, i always do but right now, the sadness held me tighter than she could.

suddenly, the bell went off and i wasted no time as i gathered my belongings. walking up the Mrs. Brown desk, i placed my worksheet in front of her before going off to the door.

sadly, i got stopped by her, "Miss. Lance?" she called out which caused me to turn around. "Mind if i have a word with you?"

i shook my head, "go on, ill catch up with you," i whispered to Ava.

turning on my heels completely, i made my way back over to her desk, "yes, Mrs. Brown?"

she leaned forward, resting her arms on her desk, "you alright? you seemed off today. i know it isn't my business and i do not mean to invade, you don't mind me asking, right?"

i shake my head, sighing, "no ma'am but i am .. well, im okay. i appreciate you asking."

she nods, "anytime, anytime. im here for anything."

"thank you," i smile faintly. "may i go now?"

"yes, go on and enjoy your lunch," she stands, pointing to the door.

if i eat.

exiting the classroom, i quickly made my way off into the cafeteria. scanning the room, i soon found Ava off in the back.


"took you long enough," she started with, looking up at me as i took a seat beside her. "what did Mrs. Brown want?"

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