s3 e11

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my eyes opened slowly, feeling the burning ray of sunlight penetrate its way through my eyelids. for a moment, i laid there confused as my brain wondered. groaning, i opened my eyes fully as i took in my surroundings. my eyes immediately fell upon the sleeping Alexandra beside of me, she looked so at peace.

her hair, falling over her shoulders, a few strands lying so gracefully over her cheek. i couldn't help but smile as i watched her in awe, biting my bottom lip.

i found myself lying there, admiring every feature on her, watching her she slept every so peaceful beside me. how had i allowed us to get this close? how did all of this happen in three months?

in dull moments, i found myself asking myself was it worth it? but the smile that lit up on my face when she came around, so was. my heart smiled when i thought of her, which was every growing second.

fuck, what were you doing to me, Alex?

checking the time, it read a few minutes after seven, and a Sunday.

pulling my attention back to Alex, i continued watching her, my eyes dancing across her face. my heartfelt as though it was doing cartwheels as it thumps rapidly inside of my chest. why did i feel this way? ive never felt this way.

placing a hand gently on top of her face, my fingertips grazed across her skin ever so gently. as the hopeless romantic i am, i traced hearts upon her cheek.

why did this feel so right but so wrong? lord, give me an answer.

"Alexandra," i whispered softly, part of me wanted to wake her up but the other half wanted to watch her sleep. she was so at peace, gosh. running my hand down her arm, shaking her gently, "Alexandra, Darling?"

"hmm?" she groaned, snaking an arm around me pulling me closer.

"you have to wake up," tucking my bottom lip, my heart thumped faster inside of my chest as she pulled me closer. "you fell asleep at my apartment, come on."

slowly, her eyes opened, revealing her soft grey eyes. the sun sat so heavenly within them, "why? why can't i stay?"

part of me wanted nothing more than this moment to last forever but i knew all too well that couldn't happen. it felt so wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. but dammit, it was so nice and right.

"you have things to do, im sure of it," i whispered, curling up inside of her arms.

she groaned once more, her eyes never leaving mine, "you look beautiful, do you look like this every morning?"

"maybe," i teased, softly shoving her. "come on though, seriously, you have to get up."

instead, she pulls me more closer, our lips now inches apart as our eyes never left each other.

my eyes trailed across her face and down her collarbone, taking in every inch of her. my hand reaching above hers, sitting on top of her shoulder. her skin was warm to touch and ever so soft.

"you're quieter than usual," she spoke, her voice as soft as her touch. "is there something bugging you? or on your mind?"

shaking my head, "just—just thinking, that's all."

"about?" she questioned, her face holding pure concern. "what's on that crazy brain of yours?"

"a lot," i say, my mind desperately wondering off. sitting up, i pulled my attention forward. "i don't..i don't understand these feelings as best as i should but i try to, i really do. and it's so wrong, Alex, but fuck does it feel so right."

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