s1 e14

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"are you actually gonna consider going?" Ava asked for the tenth time. "i know ive asked a million times today but really, you know you're not the party type."

i nod, "you're right, im not and i don't think i ever will be but ive been in the house for months, i haven't done anything interesting my entire years of college. so why not ?"

"well what do you plan on wearing? like color?"

i sat with the question for a minute, "black, i love the color and it goes with everything."

"which heels ?"

"the ones im wearing currently," i say as my attention drops down to my feet. "if it starts at nine, we'd better get going."


"gosh, i hate parties," i rolled my eyes as we approached the house. the house smelt like pure weed and burnt out cigarettes. the liquor was just a top, it was like they went and poured it down the roads. shit. "this better be worth it because im wasting my pure Sunday night on this shit."

i rolled my eyes once more as i parked alongside the curb, seeing multiple cars out in the front, fucking hell.

as we approached the house, i felt as though we were walking in slow motion and the house kept getting further and further.

"didn't expect you to come out, Alex," Evan says somewhat aggressive. the way he says my name always made me gag, ew. "ah, did Ava bring you along?" he says eyeing Ava, whom stood behind me.

"don't get your panties in a twist, Evan," i smirk. "i handle my own," as i seen his face drop, i gave him a wink as we walked off.

as i walked up onto the porch, i heard Evan shout suddenly, "nice car, Alex !"

"fuck off, Evan !" i blurted while walking off into the house.

the stench of the smells grew stronger as i noticed all of the people surrounding one another. as we stepped closer into the room, it was as though the room froze, uh did i stop the party or something?

i heard a faint whistle before a voice followed behind it, "damn Alex, looking good," David. "you too, Ava."

i rolled my eyes as we made our way further into the house, a tall man came up to us, "whew, lesbians."

excuse me ? men are so damn predictable.

i chuckled softly as i just nodded, "can we go find Eli, Alex ?" i heard Ava whisper up against my neck as she held onto me.

"yes," i nod.

we walked aimlessly around the house but only for a about a second until we found Eli off in the kitchen. he was alone and to himself which was odd.

"i see you thought about it, aye," he says with a smile in which i chuckled to. "its nice having people here that i kind of know."

i nodded as i sat across from him, adjusting my dress, "how long have you been here ?"

"about 15 minutes," he shrugs.

"so you just got here really, hm, well these men are creepy as always, i don't see why people even come to these parties."

"well its nice that you got out of the house and just tried to enjoy yourself," yeah it is.

i gave him a nod, "it is."

the conversation went on and Ava spend most of the time under me, which i didn't mind because i could tell she was somewhat uncomfortable but she enjoyed herself.

we were still off in the kitchen joking and laughing when suddenly some guy approached the three us on some pure bullshit, "would you like a drink, Miss. Lance ?"

"no, im good."

he seemed irritated by my response but shifted to Ava, in which she gripped my arm harder, "how about you, Ava ?"

before she could open her mouth to speak, i responded, "no, she's just fine."

"she can speak for herself," he remarked.

"of course she can, she's not a kid but i decided to speak up," i eyed him coldly. "we're good."

"what are y'all a couple or something ?" he asked and immediately a few people laughed. i don't see how that was funny but hehe.

Ava and i had a small code where we spoke by touching the other persons body secretly. immediately, i felt her thumb slide over my back as we both eyed him coldly.

"yes, we are, is that a problem?" i spoke firmly with a hint of sarcasm in my voice.

"no," he says with he eyed us, biting his bottom lip. i don't know why he was biting his bottom lip, if anything they needed carmax or something, shit. "you lesbians are beautiful, id love to watch."

again, boys will be boys, fucking disgusting.

"watch what? espn sports? the football game was amazing today," i say sarcastically but with a smile. "i don't know if you caught it, maybe you should."

he bagan to grow inpatient with me but i was loving it, just touch either of us, i dare you.

"can we go?" i heard Ava whisper just lowly against my neck.

instead of saying anything back, i gave her a nod as we said farewells to Eli and made our way out of the house. i felt as though i could finally breathe all over again, the air hit me like a damn semi truck.

the smell was still somewhat strong but not as much. the wind was picking up and honestly you could now tell, winter was coming.

i practically flew up the street and took the quickest way back home. i was glad Ava decided to stay at my place because i was exhausted.

we pulled up into the driveway after 10-15 minutes later and boy was i happy. not wasting any time, i pulled myself out of the car and made my way into the house.

it was quiet but it was almost 1 in the morning so my father was asleep. Ava and i made our way up into my bedroom as quietly as possible as we shut the door behind us.

we quickly changed into more comfortable clothing before lying down. i took a breath as i flopped down next to Ava, feeling her arms wrap around me tightly.

"you okay?" i spoke softly as i placed my arms around her.

"yes," she nods. "thank you."


"just, i know i can be a handful sometimes and you still deal with me," she says with a smile. "i love you, Alex," she placed a kiss on my nose and i couldn't help but giggle.

"you're adorable," i spoke low. "but you know you don't ever have to thank me, you're never too much."

her face begins to grow bright red, "goodnight, Alex."

"goodnight, Ava."

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