s2 e6

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November 10th, 2013

can i tell you i don't like winter? i mean most don't, it's beautiful but can freeze you to death if willing. it's mom's favorite season though, her soul smiles when it's here.

mom was currently off in the kitchen cooking. cooking what exactly? that remains unknown at the moment but it seems like my favorite. pasta, simple but delicious. i was the simple kind, nothing to fancy.

i was sometimes too simple, at least in my dads eyes.

he was currently on his way from work. i didn't understand why he worked late hours when his health wasn't the best right now. he never listened.

most definitely got that from him.

i was trying to stay positive and surround myself within the positivity. but when all you heard was bad news, it was very heartbreaking and difficult. but i know he was strong, i know it in me that he was.

i took a small breathe before dragging myself down the stairs and off into the kitchen. mom resided over the stove, string the pasta.

"hellooo," i blurt suddenly. "still cooking i see."

"hi baby," she shoots me a smile. "and actually no, it's finish, i just finished. set the table for me?"

i nod, "yes ma'am."

"how's school going, sweetheart?"

"it's okay," i shrug. "i mean it's my junior year of college, nothing new, nothing special. same old same old."

she eyes me, "are you at least enjoying yourself?"

"of course," i smile. "are you okay though?"

"yes baby im doing well," she gave me a worried expression. "i have a question." fuck.

"ask away, ma."

"have you been smoking? drinking? been at clubs?"

i sat there puzzled, i was worried if i said the wrong thing, this wouldn't end well. my parents worried about me well enough, i could see it in their faces.

i could hear the clock ticking, it felt and sounded as though it was getting louder. my thoughts were rampaging in my brain, going millions of miles.

what was i going to say? no right? no, we'd just be lying.

keep it simple.

"uh, why do you ask?" i lifted my brow while swallowing the knot inside of my throat.

"you just seem ... quiet," she explained. mom was right, i was more quiet, off, to myself. i barely shared dinner with either of them.

"im okay mom, i promise," i embraced her firmly , taking in her scent, roses. "mom you smell lovely."

she chuckled, "i appreciate your kind words, baby girl. have you talked to ava?"

"uh," i pause. "not since yesterday, no ma'am."

"is she coming over any time soon? if you know."

"i don't actually no but i believe she's busy with school and other things. i know she'll be back though, soon, that's Ava for you."

"if you talk to her any time soon, tell her i said hi?" she eyes me.

i gave her a warm smile, "of course." i loved how close Ava and my mom were. they had the sweetest relationship, it was so gentle. they were like two old best friends.

i loved those two.

"hello!" i heard suddenly which caused me to eye mom suspiciously. "im home!"


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