s2 e18

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as she exits the room, Alyssa was tagging along right after her. shit, i missed her.

she eyed me suspiciously with her brow cocked, "why are you in the bed, Alex?"

"the nurse didn't explain?" i ask, desperately trying to pull myself up a bit.

"lay down," she demands, placing a hand on top of my chest, pushing me back down. "now, tell me what happened."

"my dad needed a blood transfusion and i said id do it. the nurse said it would take a lot and it'll take a lot of blood but i still went for it."

she sighs softly, "Alex-"

"i know i know, Ava ran it all down with me. i shouldn't have done it but it's my dad and i need him, he's all i have left."

"i understand that," she eyes me. "but he wouldn't want you trading your life for his. he'd want you to finish school, be happy, with whomever, and start a family. no one would watch Allen."

i sigh, "i know."

she stands a bit closer, "don't leave just yet, i need you, Alexandra."


"i need you," she repeats.

"what do you-what do you mean you need me?"

"i can't love you if you're gone."

"you love me?"

"i don't know, i don't know," she sighs, rubbing her hands through her hair. "im probably speaking out of my ass-i don't mean it like that!" she pauses. "i just know that i like you a lot Alexandra and life without you seems .. meaningless."

"what are you going to do next, push me away?"

she sighs, taking a seat next to me, "just shut up and live in the moment, okay?"

"but it hurts Alyssa," i chuckle softly. "it hurts because i want you so badly and i don't know what to do sometimes. hell, sometimes i speak out of my ass and just be dumbfounded but i want you, Alyssa."

she nods slowly, "i know i know but can we just live in the moment for now, please?"

"of course."

"im gon-" suddenly the door was pushed open and in walked Ava.

"hey, i got you jello and crackers, they didn't have much," she eyes me, shrugging. "oh, and an apple juice."

she scans the room, taking in the moment, "im sorry did i uh interrupt something?"

Alyssa shakes her head, "no not at all, i was just leaving."

and like that, she was gone.

Ava speed walks over to my bedside, placing the tray next to me as she sets up the food.

"y'all alright?" she asks suddenly.

"yes, why do you ask, Ava?"

"just the tension you two hold is again..unbearable."

"we're fine, i promise you that. i just like her a lot and it hurts."

"i heard that," she eyes me.

"oh? we're you sneaking around the room before busting into the room?"

"i came in quietly didn't i?" she cocks her brow, watching me.

"Ava! you're so nosey."

"im kidding im kidding," she chuckles. "but no, i just heard that it hurts, that's all i heard. i didn't hear the rest because of the noise in the halls."

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