s3 e5

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"careful, careful!" Allen shouts, quickly grabbing the jar from my hands. "you've just gotten from the hospital, you don't need to be doing anything."

i chuckle, "Allen, it's a jar."

"a pretty heavy jar," he acknowledges as he lifts it in the air a bit. "but are you feeling alright? no pain?"

"no," i shake my head, walking past him. "ive told you all this, i understand the worry," i eye him, watching as he follows behind me. "i do, i really do but i am okay."

"we just need you to be careful," he plants his hand on top of my shoulder, giving it a squeeze. "thought, i know you'll go off and do everything else, elsewhere, without us knowing but please?"

"yes Allen, yes i will," i shoot him a smile. "where's Ava?"

"i am here," i heard her call out as she rounded the corner. "hello, hello."

"Ava, what the hell are you doing?" i question, watching her closely. "were you upstairs this whole time?"

she nods, "yes, but what i am doing is enjoying the last day i have before school starts back. we go back tomorrow and i tell you, i am not amazed by it."

i chuckle, shaking my head, "neither am i but we have to go. hell, i have so much work to catch up on, by the time im finished, it'll be Christmas all over again."

"maybe," Allen jokes, laughing. "but uh, im gonna head out with a few friends of him.." he trails off causing me to eye him.

"friends?" i question.

"yes," he nods. "i mean them-her really, before Christmas break, it was really quick though."

quick? let's hope he didn't mean that the way i took that.

"her? it's a her?" i smirk a little, tilting my head. "look at you, making friends, ah," i shove him lightly.

"hush," he shushes me, pointing a finger. "i don't know if she's my friends because you're my sister of just because she wants to be."

i chuckle, waving a hand, "you'll know, trust me."

"i don't know why but that kind of sounds like a threat," Allen points out, eyeing Ava and i. "Ava is that..?"

she shrugs, "beats me, Alex, she's smooth with her shit."

he stands there, even more confused, "that-that didn't help Ava."

"i wasn't intended to help," she chuckles, eyeing him. "but no really Allen, you'll know who's in it for the wrong reason, just have go and be careful."

he nods, "yes ma'am-wait i can call you that, right?"

"a kid with manners? my cup of tea," Ava shrugs.

"ill take that as a yes," he smiles.

suddenly, the door bell rang and within seconds, Allen ran off to the door.

this kid.

"so.." Ava starts with. "what are we doing?"

"i have nothing planned," i shrug before folding my arms. "dinner?"

"that's fine with me, where to though?"

"the fancy-" i pause, holding my hand up. "well i don't know what you'd exactly call fancy."

"i love sushi," she smiles widely.

"Ava, fucking cut it," i point a finger.

"who doesn't love sushi?!" she groans.

"anyways, im talking about the new restaurant up town, how about that one?"

"the one that sounds like they named it after a damn horse?" she says causing me to laugh.

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