s2 e17

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"Alyssa, that's not funny," i eye her.

"it is! oh my gosh, you were so scared," she laughs, hunching over just slightly. "did i scare you that badly?"

"yes!" i groan.

"you're such a baby, a big baby at that," she points.

"sure, did you enjoy yourself? had fun? hm?"

"i did, yes. it was a nice little evening, thank you," she shot me a smile, glancing over at me. i swear i felt as though she was staring into my soul.

i lift my brow, "for?"

"inviting me, i needed this."

"you don't need to thank me," i smile, watching her closely.

she was gonna say something back but we stood there, staring at one another. her eyes were shining in the night skies, i honestly couldn't focus on anything else.

suddenly, i found my face really close to hers and desperately, i couldn't pull away. hell, i didn't want to.

i wanted to kiss her so badly.

our faces came closer in sync and our lips touched, moving in a single kiss.

it was short but fast, it even made my body hotter.

suddenly, i heard a fast pace heel clocking against three pavement. someone was running. towards us?

Alyssa shoved me off of her, giving us a wide distance. dammit.

"Alex!" i heard suddenly from an all too familiar voice. soon the voice matched the face, Ava. "oh my god, i will never be running ever again. fuck."

"Ava-wh-what-why are you running? what's wrong?" my eyes shifted from Ava to Alyssa, rapidly. i honestly didn't know where to look.

"your dad-" she points while panting.

my dad?

"yeah? what-what about him, Ava? come on, breathe and then talk to me."

she let out a faint breath as she hunched over, desperately trying to catch her breath. within minutes, she was back up, giving me her full attention.

"okay," she nods as she lets out a breath. "he's in the hospital."


my heart began to thump inside of my chest and i was sure as hell that Ava and Alyssa heard it. i closed my hands together to prevent them from seeing my hands, which were now shaking.

why was he in the hospital? did his chest problems come back? does Allen know? when did he get there? wh-so many questions and no answers.

"wh-why-" i quickly ran my fingers through my hand, pacing at a fast pace. "why is he there, Ava? what happened?"

"i believe chest problems," dammit! "i tried calling you but your phone kept going to voicemail."

"it's dead, it died a while ago, i whispered, feeling the knot rise inside of my throat. "fuck, fuck, fuck, okay, okay. i, i, i have to go."

"be safe, ill meet you there," she says before running off.

i took a quick glance over at Alyssa, feeling my heartbeat steady itself. fuck, she was home. maybe i was in love with her.

"ill be there, go on," she mouthed.


walking over to his bedside, i immediately noticed the iv hooked up to his arm. fuck, all of this was really happening over again.

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