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sitting here on the bed, i had managed to stare at the wall for the weeks id been here. to be honest, i had no idea what the day was nor the time. all i could recall was being dragged away and from that, i was out. Alex warned me and i didn't listen, again. but fairly, no men ive dated ever did this-ever.

i didn't know what to think of this not why this occurred..maybe because of Alex herself. maybe Ella was so full of herself, she'd do anything to see the wrong sides of Alex. but Alex knew better, not only did she have her father, she had a piece of me in her. she knew i wouldn't want her doing anything stupid-even if i was near death.

i groaned, looking down at my ankles, the cuffs managed to give me several bruises and they weren't pleasant.

"shit. can i get some help please!" i yelled out, practically in a whisper. my voice was gone from all the yelling i had done over the weeks...plus, i wasn't getting any food or water, well just barely. "please! please! i just wanna go home!"

slowly, the door crept open, revealing a formal face that kept me company for weeks on end. but i didn't have a name to match, "no one is coming, why do you keep yelling? your voice is horrible at this point." he scoffs, rubbing his beard as he shook his head. "eat, you need it. you'll be moved in about an hour."

kicking the pan over to me, the glass of water tipped over and spilled, i couldn't help but mentally groan. now i didn't have any water to drink, "i don't have any water, it spilled as you can see. can you please get me another glass?"

"lick it from the pan, brat," he says coldly, his face frowned with annoyance. "i don't care how much Ella pays me, i don't have time for your shit. you're needy, too fucking needy. ask someone else, like Liam, he'll be here soon."

i hung my head low, my heart stung at his name. desperately i wanted to believe Liam wouldn't do such a thing but that men ive ran into, maybe he was just too crazy for crazy-icing on the cake.

Alex warned me..this was extra painful.

"yeah but i, i need water-just a glass, please." i took a breather, my heart was in my ass-not like it wasn't the entire time id been with them. hell, i don't even know how many people Ella had, the same man never entered the room again. "if y'all would let me go, i wouldn't be so needy..and it's a glass of water. it's not like im asking you to bring me the whole state of California..in which you cannot do."

he scoffs, "whatever, you needy bitch. let's hope those handcuffs aren't as loose as last time, maybe you'll end up with more bruises."

and like that, he was gone. leaving me in this dark room all by myself. all i could hear was the beautiful rain, which tapped against the roof at such a heavenly pace. that, that put me to sleep when my heart felt uneasy.

the soft winds that came with it, knocked up against the windows and brushed the rain up against the house from time to time.

though i couldn't see anything from the room placement, just the gentle sounds of the nature at hand was enough.

all of it was a reminder of Alex..gentle reminds me of tk why i should just obey these idiots and not do anything stupid. Alex wouldn't want me dead.

i gulped down hard as i bit into my sandwich, "mm, peanut butter and jelly...classic." i hung my head down low, smiling softly as i munched on the sandwich. "this is Alex's favorite..ugh, im coming home Alex, i promise."

soon, the door flew open, and in walked Ella as Liam tagged behind, "and you believe that..? hey, do me a favor?"

"no," i groan, feeling the handcuffs tighten around my ankles. "please stop..i just wanna go home."

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