s1 e21

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"dad, what are we doing for the holidays? where are we going? i questioned as i flopped down onto the couch beside him.

"we'll be with family, your aunt, Rachel's," he says as he eyes me. whew, thank you lord.

"thank god, i can't stand half of your side of the family. they're always welcoming themselves to say something to me like i won't say anything back."

he chuckles, "i understand because i can't stand half of them anyways."

"yeah but you can keep your cool, i however cannot," i shrug. "your side of the family test my patience but i am here for it."

"relax sweetheart," he give my shoulder a soft squeeze.

"im relaxed but shit," i chuckle as i shrug. "anyways, what are we doing? can we go for dinner?"

"sure," he nods. "i was thinking eh.. steakhouse?"

"i was thinking you'd say outback but can Ava tag along?"

"yes, Alyssa is coming as well," fucking great.

like i didn't just go off on her a few hours ago, this won't be awkward at all.

i nod before running upstairs. lord this is gonna be one awkward and tense night.


"so," my dad says breaking the silence the fell between us all. "how does Alex treat you in school, Alyssa?"

"she ignores me really," she shrugs as she giggles.

girl ill shove your steak down your throat.

"i mean i have things to do, i can't constantly be in her face," i say simply.

"that's understandable," my dad nods as he continues eating.

i take a sigh as i pull my attention back down to my meal. this was already awkward, can we not make it more awkward.

i almost choked on my steak when i felt a someone smooth skin brush up against mine. it was obviously their knee but it was someone whom i wanted nothing to do with, Alyssa.

my eyes scanned the table quite fast as my attention never left my plate. i swallowed the lump inside of my throat as i felt her continuing the small motions with her knee.

fuck, fuck, fuck, it was getting a little hot in here.

"you okay, Alex?" Ava questioned as she eyed me.

"yes, just a bit hot," i say with a chuckle. "Alyssa, could you move your leg please? my legs are a lot longer than yours and they need space."

she eyed me and said absolutely nothing but gave me  a simple not as she pulled her knee from my space. whew, thank you.

Alyssa was testing me and she was obviously getting nothing but a kick out of this. two can play that game. if only i was sitting next to her, id shove my hand between her thighs.

"do you guys graduate in late may or early June?" my dad asked suddenly.

"early may i believe," Ava and i spoke in sync.

"how you two described where you'd like to work after you're finished?"

at least my dad wasn't making this awkward, keep up with the questions. Alyssa? baby girl jump out the window.

"uh," this question always says in the back of my head but i never had a clear answer for one. "no, i haven't at least, have you Ava?"

"uh no, not at all. i mean i have a few options in mind but never really planned it all out."

suddenly, i felt Alyssa skin brushing up against mine once more and truly this time i almost choked. i was getting hot and she fucking knew that.

why was she knee fucking be right now, dude? like seriously.

"would you guys like a refill on your drinks?" the waiter says suddenly.

"ill take one," i practically pulled my glass into the air as i slide over. i could feel Alyssa staring right at me and it was only making me hotter, the fuck was her problem?

"anyone else?" he questions as he grabs my glass.

"ill take one as well," Ava says as she placed her glass into the air.

"will that be all?" he asks once more but no answer.

"thank you," Ava and i says in sync which causes us to giggle.

he gives us a small nod before walking off completely. i took a small sigh of relief before i returned to eating.

i jumped slightly as i felt a small foot brush up against mine but this time it wasn't Alyssa, it was Ava. i glanced over at her and she immediately lifted her brows in which she was asking a question.

i gave her a nod as i returned to my food. seemingly i had nothing but a small potato left and everyone else around me had finished.

good, take me home.

our drinks came back and Ava and i finished them in one setting. i was highly thirsty since i had eaten a damn salty potato.

we cleaned off our table a bit so it wasn't as messy and gathered our plates together as we all paid.

Ava and i made our way out of the restaurant and over towards the car. good thing my father and i drive separately, i was not about to sit in that car with Alyssa.

Ava glanced over at me, giving me one of those looks and immediately i shook my head, "ill just explain when i get to the house."

the drive home was quick and silent, Ava and i sat in silence but i could tell she wanted to say something.

i was over it all, i couldn't believe Alyssa would pull some shit like that. it was very mind blowing and confusing. like weren't you telling me that you cannot date your student, the hell happened to that energy?

i shook my head at the thoughts as i pulled up into the driveway. Ava and i quickly got out of the car and went off into the house. my dad and Alyssa hadn't been back yet which was good, i didn't wanna see her no way.

we made our way up to my bedroom and immediately she began scolding me, "now speak because that silence in the car nearly killed me."

"i—y—.." i sighed and took a breath before continuing. "Alyssa thought it was okay to continuously rub her leg over mine and even when i said something about it, she continued."

Ava glanced at me and immediately smirked, "she likes you!"

"Ava," i ran my fingers through my hair and sighed once more. "even if she did, she's confusing that hell out of me."

"what do you mean?"

"earlier when she was here, before she left she was telling me how it's wrong that a a teacher and her student cannot date."

"why the fuck not?"

"she literally just repeated herself when i asked that," i shrug.

before she could say anything, the front door opened and closed which meant they were back.

"hold on," i quickly bolted out of my bedroom and down the stairs. "Alyssa can i speak with you for a moment?"

she studied me for a while before walking over towards me, "sure"

i practically yanked her into a bathroom that was across the house from Ava and my dad. i shut and locked the door behind us before glancing at her with cold eyes.

"what the fuck was that back there?"

"what do you mean?" oh now you wanna play dumb.

"you know exactly what i mean," i lifted my brow as i watched her. "you did that shit on purpose."

"no i didn't, i had no where to move my legs. like you said, your legs are long and they were in my way."

"so y—" i chuckled to myself as i continued to study her. "go home, Alyssa."

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