s1 e16

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fuck. i felt like she was about to jump up onto me but we were in class, why would she do that?

Miss. Adams was currently going around the classroom passing back quizzes we had completed and honestly, i was tired. this was like our fifth quiz this week and it was exhausting. i felt like i was reading the same thing over and over.

i could've swore when she came towards me, i felt as though she was about to jump on me and honestly, i felt like i was melting inside. shit was i over doing it.

i felt as though the class period was passing slowly and the ticking of the clock was getting louder.

i could hear my heart beating, maybe i was tripping but no like i could really hear this shit. it was so loud and so was the clock, shit.

"hellooo?" i heard Ava suddenly. "earth to Alex, hello?" she snapped her fingers in my face before waving her hand.

"huh, what?" i shut my eyes for a brief second.

"what the hell," she glanced at me. "are you okay? ive been calling you for like 10 minutes, Geez Alex."

i chuckle, "yes im fine, just felt weird for a few seconds."

"what do you mean?"

before i had the chance to speak, the bell went off and i just shook my head. i motioned Ava up and out of the classroom as we quickly made our ways outside.

shit, its cold. winter can really fuck off at this point.

the snow was hitting the ground like crazy now and weirdly it hadn't melted. the snow from yesterday had stayed. lord was i not ready for icy roads.

"it was weird, it was like she was about to jump on me, i zoned out so damn hard shit," i explained.

"Miss Adams?" nah, the tooth fairy.

"yes," i say as i eye her coldly. "i could've sworn she was like she was getting so close."

her lips formed into a wide smile, "are you staring to like her?!"

"no Ava," i sighed as i shook my head. "why must you ruin a moment?"

"well," she shrugs. "you know me but can we go to the bar? im bored as hell."

"Ava, its Tuesday."

"uh, and? you're telling me something i already knew before i asked. are we going or not?"

i rolled my eyes slowly, "sure, just try not to get overly drunk."

she shoots me a smirk as she winks at me, "not promising."


"fuckkk," Ava groaned as she slammed the shot glass onto the counter. "another round please!"

gosh, how many drinks has she had already? i really stopped counting at eight. she was laughing but hunched over, it was an amazing sight. she'd always do this, it was ridiculously funny.

i swear i had to always be the sorber one because who the hell would drive us home?

"Ava, would you relax?" i blurted

"no, take a shot or something, geez, it's like im coming here by my damn self."

"who's gonna take us home if i get wasted, Ava ?"

she studied me as she raised her finger, "get point. another round please!"

"lord, Ava," i chuckled as i watched her.

"last one," she says as she down the shot completely. "and i am done, let's go!"

"Ava, you can barely stand," i couldn't help but let out a laugh as i watched her stumble from the barstool. "you need to relax and take it easy."

"you take it easy," she says pointing a finger at me as she stumbled back. "shit."

i chuckled, "let's get you home."

she stumbled over into my arms as she practically held onto me. her grip was tight and firm, i felt as though her nails were digging into my skin.

i was carrying her to the car in fucking heels and lord knows my feet were killing me, shit. good thing is, it wasn't as cold anymore and the snow was low here. though sometimes i could get around wearing heels but not all the time, shit.

i pulled up into the driveway 15 minutes later immediately seeing Ava sitting up in the rear view mirror.

"shit," she mumbled softly under her breath. "carry me? these heels are killing my feet,"

"girl i have on heels too, shit," i pulled her from the backseat and pulled her onto me. "dammit Ava."

i made my way up the stairs and off into the house fairly quickly, shutting the door behind me. Ava climbed out of my arms and walked off up the steps.

damn, she did stupid shit when she got wasted.

i chuckled to myself as i made my way up to my room. Ava stood in front of my body length mirror analyzing her body before questioning me, "does this dream make me look fat?"


"no, you look fine," i say simply. "you should go into bed, you idiot."

i slid off my heels and pulled my dress off over my head. i was truly exhausted and all but for some odd reason, i wanted to watch tv.

before i could slide off into bed, i felt Ava arms around my body, holding me firmly. "Ava, what are you doing? you need to go to bed."

i quickly turned, coming face to face with Ava and before i knew it, her lips crashed onto mine as they move in one simple kiss.


"Ava, we can't, please just lay down," i let out a small breath as i pulled her away.

"i know but-"

"no Ava, no buts, please just lay down and sleep it all off please. we can never and you know that."

i took a breath as i walked off and out of my bedroom, making my way down the steps. i sighed to myself as i came face to face with Alyssa.

"geez you're always here, you might as well move back in," i chuckled.

"very funny, Alex," she says sarcastically. "but uh, you're in your bra and panties."

"scared of a little titty?"

she held an annoyed expression but i know she meant well, "you're really not funny."

"im not trying to be funny ma'am," i laugh to myself once more as i eye her. "anyways what are you doing here ?"

"well, i was here for your father but seems like he's not here."

"you're very much correct," i nod. "he's making up a few hours at the company."

she nods, "aye, can i ask you a question?" of course you have a question, don't you always ?

"go on," i shrug.

"why are you so guarded, Alex ?"

"why are you so interested in me, Alyssa ?" i lifted my brow as she frowned her. i got a hint of annoyance in her as she eyed me.

"i don't know," she blurts quietly as her eyes scanned my body. "you have more."

"i told you i was in a car accident, Alyssa. of course i have more."

"how many ?"

"are we playing a question Alex, game ?" i asked with a cold stare. "why should this be any of your business when you being a teacher at my school isn't mine ?"


"cat got your tongue?" i lifted my brow.

"well i told you why i chose your school," she says simply.

"i have four more, not including the one on my collarbone," i gave her direct eye contact. i felt so warm inside, maybe i was staring to like Alyssa, shit.

what the fuck was i doing?

"why are you so guarded ?"

"because ever since my mom passed, my dad and i haven't been the same. yeah we have our good days and our bad ones but when my mom passed, it was like she just took our hearts to her stone and i just can't.."

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