s3 e10

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January Tenth. the day i swore to myself id hate ever since Mom's death but someway i just couldn't. dad and Ava wasn't allowing me to do that. no matter what, no matter how, they always cheered me up somehow. someway. i enjoyed every second of it.

my eyes opened slowly, blinking as i took in the room, soon realizing Ava was no longer beside of me. groaning, i stretched my arms, throwing my head back, "ugh, this day needs to go by faster, shit," i mumbled, rubbing a hand through my hair.

not even a second later, my door flew open, and in walked Ava, "you know, no matter what you feel, i always told myself id make this day as special as it could get. i tell you that, every year, and ill continue."

shoving her, i smiled, "and i tell you every second i get that i appreciate everything you've done for me. thank you, Ava, really."

"yeah, yeah, yeah," she smiles, falling down into my arms. "did you have anything planned today?"

i shake my head, running a hand through her hair, "no, not really but i could go see my mom, i haven't seen her in a while."

"that's fine, that's fine," she sits up, standing as she extends her hand. "come with me, let's go."

i eyed her, cutting my eyes just slightly, "tell me you guys didn't go all out, i told you before-"

"shut it," she tugs at my arm, pulling me down the stairs. "we don't listen to you anymore, do we?"

i groaned, rubbing my arm as we rounded the corner, coming off into the living room.

"Happy Birthday!" they all yelled loudly, armed in the air as their smiles grew wider. Allen and my father stood off to the left as Reed was slightly tucked away behind them. he was tall so he managed.

i smile, making my way more into the living area, "thank you, thank you, i appreciate you all very much."

"come come! make a wish," Allen yells, excitement ringing in his voice. quickly, he lit the candles on the cake that sat on the table, "make it good!"

"ill try," i eye him closely before closing my eyes, bowing out the candles, wishing for what my heart and soul wanted more than anything. mom. "wish made," opening my eyes, i smiled as i scanned the room.

"what'd you wish for?" Reed questioned, peeking around as he fully came into view.

"well, it wouldn't much of a wish if i told you, now would it?" i say, causing us to share a laugh.

he shrugs, smiling eagerly, "happy birthday, kiddo."

"thank you, Reed," patting him on the shoulder i soon met my dad's eyes. "hello, good morning."

"good morning, beautiful," he smiles, planting a kiss upon my forehead as he embraced me firmly. "happy birthday, baby."

"thank you," i smile, holding onto him

he pulls away, "Allen got you something, im gonna let him go first, okay?"

"dad!" Allen shouts which pulls all of our attention. "i was not ready! oh my gosh, hold on." without a second thought, he runs, bolting up the stairs.

laughing, i shook my head walking over to Ava, "today's a day, isn't it?"

she lifts her head, her eyes meeting mine, "well yeah, it's your birthday, also January tenth."

i shove her, chuckling, "you know what i mean."

"of course i do," she chuckles, throwing her arm around me. "also, i have some news for you, though you might want to know."

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