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"fuck," i mumbled to myself as the pills slipped between my fingers. "tiny pills, can't see shit-ah, got it"

after struggling for a hot 10 minutes, i finally managed to put the pills back into the bottle.

"your taking pills?" i heard suddenly which caused me to jump. i turned and came face to face with Ava.

"fuck Ava," i took a deep breath before putting the pill bottle down. "no, they're my dads. i noticed that they were spilled out and yeah, i just picked them up."

"oh," she nods. "well what are we doing today?"

"well i need to drop my brother off at his house to get a change of clothes," i say simply. it was kinda weird saying brother but id get used to it.

"weird saying that, isn't it?"

"absolutely," i nod. "but ill get used to it, it comes with time," i shrug.

she nods, "are you two heading out now?"

"yes, are you trying to tag along?"

"i don't mind, i didn't have anything planned today anyways."

"let's roll then."


"this one," Allen points.

shit, i hadn't been to this house in about 15 years. i never stayed in contact with my moms side of the family, ever. i had a love and hate relationship with them. especially the men.

i took a breath as i looked over at Ava, "are you staying in the car?"

"no, absolutely not."

"are you trying to stay, Allen?"

"to get out of the house," he says with a shrug.

i gave her a nod before removing the keys from the engine, pulling myself out of the car. please let this go by quickly.

let's pray this will go smoothly with no problems.

Allen knocked on the door and not even a second layer was the door yanked open by Rachel.

she looked the same, the same as 15 years ago.

it was an unusual sight to see, her hair hung over her shoulders but it appeared to be thin. her eyes had gotten darker and her skin was pale. it looked as though she was dying but i know that wasn't the case. her health was up to part but was she killing herself?

"Alex," she eyed me carelessly as she uttered my name. her voice was raspy and a bit hard to hear.

"Rachel," i announce.

"what exactly are you all doing here?" she questioned as she stood aside, allowing us inside.

i scoffed softly, "im just here to grab his belongings."

"for what exactly? he lives here," she says before gripping his bicep firmly. "you all weren't in his life any other time, now all of a sudden, you wanna be?"

i nod, "i understand where he lives and it's not like im taking him from you. i know we haven't been in his life and to be fair, i didn't know i had a brother but for now, he's just spending some times with my dad and i."

"you and Ava are still good friends i see," she says as she eyes ava coldly.

"that's not really your business," i shrug. "Allen go on and get your clothes, please."

"you don't have to be rude," she shouts softly.

"im not exactly being rude," i fold my arms. "im not up for conversation, Rachel."

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