s4 e1

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pulling up to the house, i quickly parked as i dragged myself out of the drivers seat. the red and blue lights flashing against my face, i couldn't help but stand there.

this-this was really happening. fuck.

to say the least, my heart was in my ass and i felt as though my body just froze.

i took a breath as i began walking, "you really need to calm down, Alex, fucking relax," i mumbled to myself, hanging my down low. "relax, yes, relax."

"you okay?" Allen asked, a small squeeze felt upon my bicep. "i know-i know that's a stupid question to ask in a moment like this but uh..are-are you?"

glancing over at him i gave him a nod, "yes, as crazy as today has been, i am. if Ava is really in here, my heart will explode."

"well let's go see, shall we?" he questioned, his brow slightly lifted as he pushes the door open for me. "go on."

i smile, entering my home, "thank you."

not wasting any time, my eyes scanning my surroundings as i slowly made my way through the house. small conversation was soon heard from the dinning area, laughter.

as i rounded the corner, my heart fluttered as my body began to heat up, my eyes resting on Ava. she looked tired, worn out..in pain.

"Alex!" she yells, leaping across the dinning area as she threw herself into my arms. "oh how Ive missed you!!"

"i-o..ive missed you, baby," slowly, my arms wrapped around her, embracing her firmly as she practically melted into my arms. "how are you feeling?"

"ive been better, seen better days but you know me," my heart couldn't do anything but sink, i felt for Ava..none of this needed to happen. ella pushed buttons that didn't need to be pushed, all for Alyssa. "im just glad you didn't go about this that illegal way..i needed you and you stood by me..spiritually, thank you." she follows up with, her warming voice ringing in my ears.

i chuckle softly, holding her even tighter, "you don't need to thank me, i told you id have your back throughout it all and i meant it." i pull back, my eyes sharp on hers. "let's get you freshened up, okay? sounds good?"

"sounds amazing," she says, a small smile forming upon her lips.

"ill meet you upstairs okay? i just need to talk with the officers really quickly."

she nods, heading out of the dinning area, "take your time."

inhaling sharply, i shut my eyes for a moment as i took everything in. the sudden rush of realisation hit me as my mind went blank, my body went cold.

"how are you doing, Miss. Lance?" the female officer questioned, arms folded as she held a concerned expression. "you look a bit gloomy."

"im just thinking, that-that's all," i sigh, rubbing my hands through my hair. "but all in all, im happy to have Ava back. thank you so much, really."

"as she said, don't be going around doing things the illegal way," she chuckles, placing a hand upon the center of my back. "just take it easy okay, relax and you two take care of yourselves. stay safe."

i nod, "yes ma'am, you as well."

she nods, not bothering to say anything back as she makes her way out of the house shutting the door behind her.

"hi kiddo," i heard my dad's voice. turning around, my eyes met his and i couldn't help but smile. "you okay?"

i nod, "yes, how about you?"

"yes, yes. i uh i went and talked to your mom..not for long due to the rain but i went..finally."

i stood there for a moment, taking in the piece of information. "really?"

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