s1 e20

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morning came quickly and i was practically dragging myself out of bed and down the stairs. thanksgiving was now three days away. i was excited but paralysed with fear. the silence was coming back and man i wasn't ready for that.

i was dreading it just like any of holidays, Christmas especially. yeah the holidays were always the hardest but man, it was only getting harder.

maybe spending the holidays with family wouldn't be such a bad idea. though they were so damn judgmental, they always had something to say. but me? i didn't play that shit at all. say something to me and believe me, ill say something back.

but maybe just maybe we won't go and see that side of the family because shit did not have the turn for that.

as i rounded the corner, i seen someone i hasn't seen in a while, Alyssa.

"oh, morning sweetie," my dad placed a kiss on my forehead and i couldn't help but smile. the smile was forceful but i managed to make it look real.

i eyed them both carelessly before questioning, "what are you two talking about?"

"thanksgiving," my dad blurted.

"explain?" tell me Alyssa wasn't thinking about staying with us for thanksgiving, i mean wait no, that sounded kind of rude but really.

"Alyssa was thinking about spending it with us, since her parents went out of town for the holidays."

"oh," i nod. "well she's always welcome, she knows that," i glance over at her and give her a warm smile.

"yes but im gonna head over to the company and see how things are going, ill be back in about 4-5 hours."

"be safe!" i blurted suddenly as i watched him.


i took a breath as i watched him walk out of the door, leaving Alyssa and i alone in pure silence. this wouldn't be so weird if i hadn't grown slight feelings towards her, shit.

"you okay?" i heard suddenly.

"yeah, im fine. why are you asking?"

"you just seem .. off," she says simply. "have you gotten any rest?"

"im fine Alyssa," i spoke lowly with my attention anywhere but towards her. "want anything to drink? or food?"

"uh, got any beer?" girl, what?

i eyed her in pure disbelief, "you want a beer ?"

"yes i do," she nods. "if you guys have any."

i chuckled to myself as i pulled a cold beer from the fridge, sliding it down the counter and over towards her. i watched as she swiftly took the cap off with her teeth before popping it into the trash.

"you've been practicing i see," i chuckle once more as i eye her.

"kinda," she says with a shrug. "Alex, mind if i ask you a question?"

"you always have a question now a days, you might as well just shoot me with it. go on, im listening."

"why did you ask me if i was seeing someone?"

i swallowed the lump that grew inside of my throat as i glanced at her, "why did you lie to me?"

"don't answer a question with a question."

"im not, ill answer yours but really, what's your reason behind lying to me?" i laugh softly. "yeah, it isn't my business but simple question, simple answer."

"i don't know," she shrugs.

"hm okay," i nod. "well i don't know, you aren't seeing my father so i just asked." two can play that game, Alyssa.

"how are we spending the holidays?"

"we?" i lifted my brow. "oh, i forgot you were tagging along but i believe it'll be best for us to go off and see family. the silence needs to be filled for once."

"are you okay, Alex?"

"yes," i nod. "im doing fine, at least for now."

"im a really greater listener," she says simply.

"you're a great what?"

"listener," she repeats.

"really?" i say in which she nods to. "all you do is ask me questions, Alyssa. which i don't mind but that's all you've been doing since we've been "bonding."

"im just saying that if need be, im here to listen whenever you need it."

"to what extent?"

"what are we living in a wattpad story?" she says jokingly. "there is not extent, im just here Alexandra."

"well even if we were, you sure as fuck don't make it easy."

"make what easy?"

"life," i blurt. "being around you is weird and i know you feel the awkwardness sometimes."

"you're making it weird, Alex," ugh, don't hit me with that bs. "do you just forget that im your teacher?"

"uh well, i get this daily reminder every time i walk into your class and see you teaching at the front of the classroom," i glance at her. "so no and no im not making anything weird."

"funny," she says sarcastically.

"is there a problem with liking your teacher?" i lift my brow.

"there's everything wrong with liking your teacher."

"name one."

"well let's state the obvious, im your teacher."

"and?" i shrug.


"Alyssa," i pulled myself closer to her and to my surprise, she didn't move. she stood in place as our eye contact grew more seductive.

sadly, she placed her hand into my chest which prevented me from going any further. i shook my head and pulled my attention from her.

"one kiss wouldn't hurt," i say suddenly.

"we kissed already," she explain. "which was a mistake and again, i cannot kiss my student."

"why do you keep reminding me of things i already knew, Alyssa?" i was growing impatient and starting to get highly frustrated. no one has ever pissed me off this badly. not even Ava. "you don't have to remind me of things i already know, i knew it then and again i still know it now."


"go home."

she glanced at me but didn't bother saying anything in return. she simply turned on her heels and walked off to the door.

i sighed to myself as i heard the door close behind her. i was honestly overwhelmed with the thought of her right now. like really, you don't have to constantly remind me of things i already knew.

"was that Alyssa?" i heard Ava voice from behind me. "you let me sleep that damn long, shit."

"yes, that was her and you stayed up throughout the night so i let you sleep in, being a good friend," i say with a smile.

she glanced at me as she questions, "well did you at least cook me breakfast since you're being good friend?"

"nope but you can go and make yourself some coffee," i smirk at her in which she rolled her eyes.

"ugh, you're so rude."

"never that."

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