as many ways No. 13

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'The sight of him leaving. Of him turning his back on everything we had worked for. It makes my heart ache. I want him with me, to calm and tend this empty whole he has left behind...'

"Maybe you should go talk to him." Hermione said to Harry as she rubbed his back in soothing circles.

"Can't." Harry gasped in between tears. "He changed the password to his rooms. He hasn't even come to any meals for the last few days."

"Have you talked to Dumbledore?" Ron asked.

"Not yet, but he did send me an owl saying Colin's little brother had put the pictures up as a way to get back at his brother for kicking him out of the dark room."

"Blimey! When I see that git, I'm going to show him some."

Harry laughed through his tears and looked up at Ron. "Thanks mate but Ginny, Lavender, and the Patil twins have already taken care of him."

"Ginny said he'd be in the Hospital wing for the next week." Hermione sighed. "Some other girls have snuck in and cursed him for it too. He'll be in there for a while."

"What a way to spend Christmas." Ron said.

"He's going to miss out on the party."

"Really, Harry. The party is just for seventh years and teachers. And it's just a dance, I would've thought you wouldn't want to go."

"It may be my only time to see him, I've got to work things out with him."

"So what time does the party start?" Ron asked.

"It started half an hour ago." Hermione said as she tried to avoid their eyes.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Harry screamed as he jumped up and wiped his eyes. "We have to go."

So the three went down to the Great Hall, the party had started but only just. They were just sitting down for dinner.

Harry looked around and saw the only spots open were directly across from Snape. He rushed over, laid his presents on the table and looked around. Not a lot of students had come, most were just teachers.

Harry caught Snape's eye but had to look away at the glare.

"Hello, Harry. Happy Christmas." Dumbledore said cheerfully.

"Happy Christmas." Harry grinned. "I've got everyone something." Harry then started to hand out the gifts he had brought.

Some muggle candy for Dumbledore. A new enchanted quill for McGonagall's cat form. A new crystal ball for Trelawney. Chocolate for other Professors, and a small photo album for Snape.

Snape looked at the book with frown. He hadn't got anything for Harry and hadn't expected anything. So why did Harry get him something? After all he had done? After how he had acted?

He sat it to the side until he could spend the proper time to contemplate the whole situation.

The dinner was a quiet affair. No one said too much, just exchanged pleasantries and what not. Really, the entire dinner was very over rated.

Harry couldn't believe they had been told they would be having a party and yet all they were doing was eating and talking with teachers, not that Ron seemed to mind all the food.

Harry looked across at Snape and sighed. The man hadn't even looked at the album since he had laid it down. He wasn't sure if he was saving it or just waiting for the opportunity to toss it out.

"Severus?" Dumbledore spoke up. "Are you going to tell us what Harry got you for this holiday?"

Harry felt his stomach drop. Did Dumbledore know something?

Snape rolled his eyes but picked up the gift and opened it to look at what pictures Harry decided to give him. He really hoped it wasn't the ones Creevey had taken. His eyes widened as he saw it was NOT what Creevey had taken.

There was Harry. Naked. On black silk sheets.

On his hip, buzzing around his stomach and legs was a small golden snitch tattoo. It captured Snape's eyes as it traveled along every grove Snape wanted so longingly to taste. His breath caught in his throat as the snitch took a dive for Harry's groin. It twirled around, climbing up the shaft and pausing on the head. Then it took off again, fluttering up his back to land on his shoulder.

Every picture was more provocative then the last, Harry making use of his surprisingly flexible body.

"Nothing." Snape said as he snapped the album shut, his face aflame, and got up from the table.

Harry lowered his head in defeat. He wanted to show Snape that he was willing to do anything for him. That's why he had gotten the tattoo of the snitch... When it was looked at close enough, you could see the word 'Sev' inscribed along the structure of the wings.

Then a large barn owl swooped in and dropped a letter in front of him. He couldn't help the smile that spread across his face as he read it.

Password is 'pour aimer éternel.'-S

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