Harry Potter x Lucius Malfoy

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Requested by Royalblueoreocookie
An improvised oneshot

As Harry walked into the bar he felt his face heat up, having not been in a place like this in quite a bit. He held his camera to his chest, wondering why such a place would be necessary for a 'photoshoot' as his client had wanted, he felt a sickening spot in his stomach start to worsen as he tried to find the blonde man. "Potter!" He turned around to see the same blonde man from the photo, he felt himself quickly run in front of him, panicking as it appeared he'd been distracted. "S-sorry sir! I got distracted-! T-the-the- bright lights-!" He nervously shouted as he attempted to find an excuse, although clearly not lying. "Then pay more attention, Potter." He felt a cold sweat run down his cheek as he could visibly see the irritation in his voice, despite his glasses. "A drink?" He watched as the irritation in his voice faced, his arm now outstretched to him holding a beer, "n-no thank you sir!" Harry quickly declined as his heart rate almost immediately quickened, Malfoy's face showing that of irritation and boredom. "o-on second thought!" He quickly spat out as he watched Lucius open his mouth to speak, effectively cutting him off as he took the drink, taking a rushed sip as the man's glare sharpened on him with each passing minute. "So,your day?" He heard the man's voice go firm as he was gestured a seat,"g-good!" He spoke quickly as he sat down, gagging as he attempted to drink more,not wanting to be rude. "Not much of a drinker?" He heard the man comment as he felt a gentle hand place itself on his shoulder,"n-no.." he sorely admitted as he looked to his feet, setting the drink down. He quickly lifted his head as he heard the man talk to the bartender, minutes later having a different drink infront of him, looking similar to that of amortentia,a deep purple in color and extremely sweet to the scent. "Something a little sweeter, easier to swallow" he watched the man give off a soft smile at the end of his sentence, that seeming to coax him into giving the drink a taste, seconds later finding himself trying to mentally prevent himself from swooning over the quick acting affects. "Did it hit you that fast?" He heard the man's monotone voice raise a pitch, seemingly in astonishment at his lack of self-conscience, let alone self-awareness. "N-no! Just dizzy ..." He attempted to dismiss the situation , getting up seconds later only to stumble over his own feet, "you alright?" He watched as Lucius stood up from his seat, pulling him up as he attempted to balance himself, effectively clinging to Malfoy's arm.
As he began to collect himself he watched as the world seem to spin around them, the feeling of being moved seeming to brush right past him. Minutes later as he was set down he felt a gentle peck against his lips, leaning into the feeling as two hands began to travel up and down his body, followed by soft kisses guiding themselves down his chest. Harry felt his legs attempts to curl up as the man seemed to slip right through his pathetic defense, his body seeming thinner than originally thought. "L-Lucius!" He felt himself shout as the blonde man began to undress him, leaving him to wonder if he'd made the wise choice to trust the man, vividly remembering his reputation as he felt the man begin to suck, snapping him out of his thinking and back to the rather perverted reality. He heard himself begin giving out long and heavy moans as the Malfoy continued to suck him off, proceeding to deepthroat potters cock. He watched as the man began to draw circles into his skin, brushing over the now bruised skin,his mind simply marveling at the heavenly feeling. Though within seconds, he felt himself near a climax, though it quickly being taken away right as sweet relief began to wash over him. He felt himself seem to drown in desperation as he was slowly mounted from behind, feeling a large intrusion begin to push into him. He felt himself begin to climax once more as it was pushed in and out of him at a now quick pace, leaving him in bliss as his dick begin to make friction with the soft surface he was being pounded into. He felt himself slowly release as his last ounce of control fell off with his glasses, a sense of excitement filling him as his new loss of sight only seemed to add to his situation, not to mention Lucius Malfoy, the man that had almost got him killed, was making love to him, and even he had to compliment the man, after all, he still looked 30. Suddenly he felt a sharp jolt of pleasure as his stomach was quickly painted in his own release,his body being perfectly plastered to the sheets as he felt a warm stinging sensation fill him as Lucius then pulled out, leaving the great Harry Potter a weak mess.
One of Lucius Malfoy's greatest accomplishments.

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