Draco Malfoy x Harry potter

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Request by JulzLovDraco4Eva

"Malfoy,may I ask what you're doing with the boy?"Snape said as he roughly pulled Draco aside as soon as he walked out of potter's view. "Excuse me.?" He snapped back as he pulled away only to feel Snape's grip tighten,l around his wrist,"I know what you're playing at and your father won't be happy to here you're having affairs with the enemy. Malfoy." He went on to say as Draco looked at him in shock that he'd been unknowingly stalked. "I'm not having an affair with Potter. I'm-im trying to open a blind spot.." he stuttered as he quickly attempted to excuse the truth. "Well that better be the case or we'll be forced to take more desperate measures, and if you so much as think I'm not onto you you're wrong. And I expect you to get a move on as well,the others are growing impatient." He watched as Snape sharply turned to walk away as he finished his sentence, leaving the boy in a feared state as he hurried to catch up to Potter, accidentally running into him in the process. "You alright Malfoy?" Harry spoke as he quietly giggled, helping Draco up as he almost slipped due to the gloves, "mhm" he mumbled through his scarf as they quickly rushed inside to avoid the upcoming snowstorm. "Any plans this holiday? I would have thought you'd rather be home than enduring a snowstorm at school" he heard Draco laugh as even at Hogwarts chaos was always bound and most students would've been glad to go home. "well it's always good a change of scenery, don't you think?" Harry nodded in agreement as they sat down in the great hall, lowering their scarfs and unbuttoning their coats. "A-and I was thinking about...a trip to hogsmeade..I wanted you to tag along!" He said halfheartedly as he knew what he was leading Harry to, having earned his trust, cared for him,just for it to end like this. He felt almost sad as he watched Harry happily nod at the invitation,"I'd love too!" He said as he then hugged Malfoy,not noticing the tainted words Draco had hoped would set his trust off. He felt his face heat up as he was snapped out of his guilt by Harry's lips against his,the warmth seeming to bring back the once lost color the snow had taken from their faces,now bringing out the heavy pink undertones that he'd failed to notice from Potter,it now matching perfectly with the boys soft nature. "To hogsmeade!" He enthusiastically shouted as he pulled Malfoy from his seat and out the door,"slow down!" He said quickly as they both slipped,the cold ice only making it harder to stand back up. "Are you two alright?" They both quickly stood up as Hermione's voice approached them,"yup!" Harry said in a brief moment of excitement as Ron walked over to them, standing beside Hermione. "Why don't you come to hogsmeade with us? We could surely use the company as I'm sure none of us have many plans" Draco said as stepped slightly infront of Harry, being sure to smile as Ron seemed to stare at him in suspicion though soon giving up as Hermione agreed.
As the four approached hogsmeade Draco felt his heart sink as he could see death eaters lining the streets, watching closely as Harry pulled him further and further into the small town.

As Harry opened his eyes in a heavy daze he felt his body send a hold a pain into him as he attempted to move out of the tightly bound ropes. As he looked around he noticed his eyes adjust to dark surroundings,soon placing together a dungeon through the dark and gloomy atmosphere. He felt his body grow cold as every movement he spent trying to escape, another breath was wasted as the ropes tightened themselves,soon being forced to stop. "You've done well Draco,the Lord will be pleased" he heard lucius' voice speak as he could see the man walk in as the constant clicking of his heals seemed to snap him out of this daydreaming. "I always knew you'd be a good death eater!I don't see why you denied it Draco" he heard Bellatrix's voice almost praise Draco as the painful realization finally hit him, the fact that the three years of trust and calm love had been for nothing more than this. The eventual downfall of his once high guard, the calming relief of knowing love gone. "Harry!" He heard Hermione's choked up yells echo through the dungeon as he could see them locked up in a cellar as Ron was visibly terrified. "Quiet you filthy mud-blood." He could only watch as Lucius spoke so proudly as though knowing he was right, closely watching as Draco followed closely behind his father, a heavy tint of regret being plastered into his forced smile. "Don't look so distressed Draco, the Lord will be so happy to have heard your success" Lucius reassured as he pulled Draco beside him, Bellatrix walking into view. Draco felt himself begin to cry as Bellatrix swung a whip at Potter, he felt Lucius hold him down as he nudged to run away. As Bellatrix swung again, the sick feeling of sadness began to worsen as he felt himself ready his wand as he allowed his mind to ponder for a few seconds to decide on a plan that was now set in stone as he waved his wand, soon watching his father fly into a pillar, falling unconscious. "Now now Draco..you do-" Bellatrix attempted to draw closer to the boy though sorely failing as she dropped to the floor under the spell 'Petrificus Totalus!'. The words lingered in Draco's head only for a second as he then rushed towards Harry, forcefully unbinding the ropes before waving his wand,the bars almost instantly dissapearing as he then dragged potter out. "Hurry!" He shouted as Hermione and Ron rushed to Harry's side, forcing Draco to let go as he followed closely behind them,all of them collapsing onto the forest floor as they were now lost. "You're a damn idiot you that?!" He heard Hermione's voice curse at him as she closely inspected Harry,his breaths quickly deepening as he was no longer being strangled. "You gone bloody mental?" Ron quietly huffed as he sat down,overwhelmed by entire situation,
"I..I didn't have a choice.." he said quickly as he was ashamed of what had happened due to his cowardly behavior. "Well your not going back after that that's for sure.." Malfoy quietly nodded an agreement at Ron's statement, "well you better make yourself useful before we send you back." Hermione said as she was still in shock from he his overly drastic actions, "I'll do what I can.." he replied calmly as he sat next to the traumatized boy, softly hugging him in attempt to soothe the hurt both of them endured through all of this.

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