as many ways No. 2

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[as many ways to make a teacher blush]

'It's been a few weeks since I've seen that faint pink glow grace his pale skin. That was the most erotic and sexy thing I had ever seen. My mind wonders. I think of the blush in his cheeks, following it down his neck, knowing it doesn't stop there. I dream about that blush at night, giving just a hint of color to that pale, lean body that he hides behind heavy robes. I crave to run my hands along him, to feel the heat rise to the surface; I desire to see that look again...'

Harry flushed as he finished his entry for his diary.

"Nice to see you're putting that thing to good use." Hermione whispered in Harry's ear, making him jump.

"Bloody hell! Hermione, don't do that ... Hey, where's Ron?"

"Filtch caught him in the hall, trying to cast a spell on Malfoy. He's got detention."

"Great." Harry mumbled. "Detention or Study Hall? Any other choices?"

"At least Snape is teaching."

"Yeah..." Harry looked at Snape as he passed by the corner of his eye.

"Trouble keeping your mind on the task?"

"Believe me Hermione, my mind is on the task."

"Then lets begin..." Hermione said slyly as she pulled out her paper.

Harry grinned and took a paper Hermione took out of 'Witch Weekly' and handed to him.

"What's this?"

"It's a quiz to find out who is your perfect match. You write down a few things and the parchment fills in the answer at the end. It's to help you find people you're attracted to."

"Hermione," Harry said giggling as he passed the quiz back to her. "I already know who I fancy. Not too much of a mystery there. Unless, of course, you're Ron."

"Oh, I know, but it'll be fun. For me?" Hermione batted her eyes.

"That isn't going to work on me. I prefer the male persuasion."

"Please, Harry?"

"Fine!" Harry sighed. "First question?"

Hermione smiled and looked around the room to make sure Snape wasn't around. " 'What do you like for your partner to posses in their personality?' Hmmn... I wonder... " Hermione joked.

And so the questions went. Finally, Hermione declared them done and had just cast the revelation spell when Snape snatched it from her.

"Since when has 'Witch Weekly' become a subject in this school Miss Granger?" Snape noticed the name at the top. "Ah, so I see it is you , who is confused with this years' curriculum. 'Meet your match: Madam Malkin's guide to true love'?"

Snape looked down and started to read to himself:

Q. What do you like for your partner to posses in their personality?

A: Dark, a voice like velvet-silk, caressing my skin with each whispered insult.

Q: What would your reaction be to meeting your partner for the first time?

A: Fear, respect, uncontrollable lust.

Snape looked up sharply at Harry, his face starting to tingle, his groin beginning to stir...

Harry slowly ran his tongue along his drying lips, looking Snape up and down.

Q. What would you prefer your partner to look like?

A: Tall, dark hair and eyes, pale skin.

Q. What would most attract you to your partner?

A: His blush as it travels down his face and inside his robes, making me whimper as I think of what else will be pink, what else I could run my tongue along to get that same reaction from him again.

Snape nearly dropped the paper, his face burned brightly between Harry's eyes on him and what he was reading.

Q. If you gave a nickname to your partner, what would it be?


At this, Snape did drop the paper, his hands shaking, face burning. He looked up long enough to see Harry's lust-filled gaze, before the normally indifferent attitude abandoned him, and he fled from the room in a frenzied swirl of dark cloaks.

Harry grinned. He turned to Hermione "Perfect plan."

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