Severus Snape x harry potter x Lucius Malfoy

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Requested by Royalblueoreocookie

As Harry walked into detention he closely watched as Snape and Lucius talked quietly from his professors desk, it not being out of the ordinary, atleast in the mad walls of Hogwarts, for them to strike up a conversation with each other. He sat down so finish was little work he had left as the two men began to give him side glances aswell as their conversation clearly revolving around more than just work and their recent activities, Lucius even begining to grow visibly excited the more he watched from afar,Snape eventually turning down his stares as he swallowed the hard lump in his throat, feeling the tension quickly thicken as he watched Lucius walk out of his rather limited sight. "Back off, Malfoy, you're getting antsy and I'd rather not see you hurt him" he heard Snape continue the now audible conversation, Lucius's hands now placing themselves on Harry's shoulders. "I haven't visited you for nothing, Snape. And I refuse to wait." harry watched as Lucius argued back, his voice now appearing unhinged as anxiety began to build up between them, Snape finally standing up to grab Lucius before a sharp Yelp was uttered on potter's part,this seeming to remind the both of them that he was in fact,still there. Though in a flash of,quick thinking,Harry felt Lucius quickly taste his lips as he was in no position to resist the action,as it was far more excitable than something he'd ever have to common sense to try and experience. "You git!" He felt Snape quickly pull Harry back from the simply crazed man, landing him in a comfortable but firm spot on his professors chest,"in what way did I allow such behavior." Harry felt a wave of heat wash over him as Lucius seemed to grab the lower half of him. "I'm not here for charades severus..." He heard Malfoy's tone drop as he could feel the two men seem to fight over his body, leading to both of them touching places he'd rarely thought to go himself. "-Have some control for once!" He heard Snape shout back as he seemed to have toned out most of their arguing, to caught up with the tight feeling in his pants to pay much attention to their bickering. "It's not like you don't want to Snape. Don't lie to yourself." You could visibly see Snape holding back more than Lucius's hands would ever show, them traveling up and down his body like a parasite, quick and effective to take action. "I will not do such a thing to nothing but a child!" Snape shouted back as he was now squished in-between two obsessive men, full well feeling Snape's stance widen as even he couldn't hide the growing problem between the three of them. "You know he'll like it Severus.." He felt Lucius begin to lift his shirt as a faint blush spread across Snape's face, leaving him in a heated argument with his own common sense. "..Lucius.." he felt his heart sink as Snape's tone dropped,the same soft hand seeming to coil around his body,further constricting him of his freedom."enough. Lucius." He watched as Snape attempted to pry the blonde off, horribly failing as he was only closer to the rather wimpy image of a saviour. Seconds later he heard their arguing come to a halt as he felt Lucius rushingly,and once again, swiftly capture his lips for another kiss,this time more than just desire filling the simple action. He watched as Snape began to nuzzle his neck, begining to explore his body, letting out a relieved sigh as if giving in to the temptation that seemed to have landed all three of them in that very room. Harry felt his breath strike a quick peak as he uttered a soft moan, causing his already exposed position to a rather intrusive feeling beneath him. He felt a sudden jolt of panic run through him as his pants were slipped down, leaving the cold air to burn and nip at his skin. "Y-you can't-!" Harry attempted to protest before the pleasurable feeling of violation seemed to smack the attitude out of him quicker than Cedric's death. He felt his underwear fall to his feet as something attempted to push into him, forcing out a strained groan as he felt it begin to hurt, that seeming to invite Snape, his lips being the thing to cut him off, leaving them in a heated silence as he felt Snape slowly begin grind against him, his skin beginning to bruise against his professors rather uncomfortable clothing choices. "You're pathetic snape.." he quickly shut his eyes as Lucius thrusted into him, leaving him breathless as he felt the now aggravated professor attempt to shove himself in, causing harry to tear up and Lucius to let out a sharp Yelp. They two men watched as Harry instinctively began to widen his stance, being thrown into bliss as the two began to push in and out of him.
Minutes after he felt himself begin out as close to nothing was supporting him, despite the man infront of him and behind him, clearly being expected to act older than he really was. Quickly,his thoughts came a sudden halt as he was kissed, thoroughly and passionately as he felt Lucius begin licking and biting his neck, slowly begining to love the intimacy as he felt the two seem to fight over him. He noticed a sudden weakness in his legs as he was continuously pounded, begining to whine and grab at the man infront of him, one in which threatened to leave him there every second they touched. He felt himself fall limp into his teachers arms, and instinctive urge to hold onto him seeming to just take over as he firmly wrapped his arms around Snape's waist, watching as his professor more then willingly took him into his arms. He suddenly felt himself begin rubbing against the man's stomach as his cock needing-ly throbbed for the rather perverted attention he was receiving, feeling himself only grow more erect as he felt Lucius begin pumping him, Snape begining to mark his chest with deep bruises. He slowly watched as everything that mattered faded away, being drunk off of a simple bliss, being manhandled, touched, fucked, playing the victim as he'd been so many times before. Soon he found himself being softly gagged as his mouth was held to a pause as Lucius held his hand firmly against his lips, the dark mark coming into view as he could see the color deepen, watching as Lucius slowly slipped into agony, leaving Harry to stare at him, instinctively leading him to attempt to soothe the pain, kissing and sucking on it as Lucius let out a stream of groans and thanks.
Eventually he found himself hurting as the two men released deeply into him, fucking every last drop into him as he seemed to cover Snape's chest with this release, earning a final slap as he was then left there.

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