Fred Weasley x Draco Malfoy x George weasley

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The sound of Harry sneezing quite dramatically made half the Gryffindor-table freeze. Toast, teacups, forks and such halted in mid-air, conversations stopped abruptly and everyone within hearing distance stared at the Gryffindor-seeker. Ron Weasley's face turned red, looking as if his best friend had suddenly grown antlers.

"Wot, Harry…" he mumbled through a mouthful of sausage, swallowing the half-chewed meat to finish his sentence. "…still not feeling too well?" On Harry's other side, other-best-friend Hermione Granger scratched her head.

"Really Harry, you should go see Madam Pomfrey, I'm sure she'll have something for that cold of yours." It was just a regular cold, some coughing and sneezing and a runny nose, but the Gryffindors had hoped Harry would feel better. Normally, it wouldn't have mattered, but today was different. Today, Gryffindor had it's final chance to get ahead of Ravenclaw in the Quidditch-competition. If they beat Slytherin this day, they would only have to deal with Hufflepuff to win the Cup. But if Harry wasn't feeling a hundred percent, beating Slytherin could get hard. Their seeker, Draco Malfoy, was nearly as good as Harry…

"No Hermione! What if she wants to keep me there! Then those stupid Slytherins will beat us for sure, and I can't let that happen!"

Hermione huffed and sipped her tea. "I still say your health is more important, Harry."

"'Mione, we can't let that sodding git beat us this easily!" Ron protested. As the argument went on, nobody noticed the sly look that passed between the Weasley-twins…

Fred and George had never really needed friends. It was good to have friends, but they weren't a necessity. They had always had eachother. It wasn't a surprise to them that their relationship grew beyond brothers and beyond twins. It was like their shared one mind within two bodies, so it came natural to share their bodies as well. They had been lovers eversince the start of puberty, though hiding this from their friends and family.

After breakfast, the twins hurried out of the Great Hall, taking off to the garden outside despite the gloomy weather. They had a lot to discuss…

"So, we take him down a notch or two?" Fred started.

"That'll be fun…" George stated absently. Sometimes, odd gaps and silences fell in their conversations, as they continued their conversation mentally. It was the best way to discuss mischief.

"We'll have to do it now then, match starts in two hours." Fred mused, and George gave a resolute nod.

Draco Malfoy didn't consider himself vain. Handsome maybe, admirable, but vain? No. His parents expected him to be spotless at all occasions, not a hair out of place, so he tried not to disappoint them. They expected a lot from their only son. Perfection at every front. Maybe that's why he was so nervous about the match against Gryffindor. It was his chance to beat Potty and show his father that he was worthy.

He'd chosen the quiet Slytherin changing rooms over the Common room, trying to concentrate on the task ahead. He had to try to stop Potter from catching the Snitch, allowing his teammates enough time to score the points they needed to get ahead of Gryffindor in the lists, then catch the Snitch. Then they only had to beat Ravenclaw next week to win the House competition! Then maybe the Gryffindorks would loose from Hufflepuff and be in third place, that would be a laugh!

He sighed quietly to himself as he sat down on the bench and pulled his expensive Italian hand-made shoes off. Better get changed into his Quidditch-gear, it would give him something to do, and maybe calm his nerves a bit. Setting his shoes neatly underneath the wooden bench, he pulled his robe off, hanging it on a hanger. As he slowly changed into his Quidditch-gear, he couldn't help but mentally list all the times he was humiliated by the Boy-Who'll-Loose-The-Upcoming-Match. Damn that bloody Potter. Without him, Draco figured, his life would be much easier…

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