Harry Potter x dementor

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"Meet your death, Potter!" snarled Voldemort as he cast a green death curse towards Harry - who quickly rolled over and hid behind a rock.

He felt the rock behind him shatter into pieces, and he quickly made a beeline towards the Forbidden Forest, running left and right shoving unfortunate Death Eaters towards Voldemort's curses.

He knew he was getting further and further away from Voldemort as he reached the silence of the Forbidden Forest. The deeper he ran into the forest, he felt the familiar coldness seep into his bones, his teeth shivering as he held his arms, trying to gather some warmth.

Had Voldemort lost him?

Then he could hear distant screaming of his mother pleading, no...not Harry...please...take me instead!...


He held out his wand, trying to gather the most cheerful memory.

"Expecto Patronum!" he yelled, and a wisp of light came out of his wand, extinguishing almost immediately, having no effect against the Dementor. He couldn't believe that this one Dementor that was having such an effect on him.


Again, barely a corporus form. He cursed under his breath.

The screams of his mother was getting louder, he quickly threw up his occlumency shields to block out his worst memory. He could see his breath gathering mist against the icy coldness, and stared at the lone Dementor gliding towards him, red ragged clothing covering black bones and darkness. Then he noticed that this Dementor was slightly different, the robes were not black, they were bright red.

Perhaps it was his survival instinct, or stupidity, that made him call out to the Dementor.

"Hey you!" Harry yelled at it, immediately regretting it as he saw it pick up it's pace towards him. "Lets make a deal!"

The dementor stopped right in front of him. He stared at it, not daring to breathe.

He heard stories that Voldemort could control dementors at Azkaban, how did they do it? Did they just yell at them or cast the Patronus charm constantly? He really doubt Voldemort, a man full of hate could have happy memories.

The next thing that happened will haunt his nightmares for many years to come.

"...the child of prophecy….." The ghastly voice seemingly came from everywhere in the forest, but he was sure it was from the dementor.

Harry's eyes widened at the dementor, he had no idea they could talk. He was also pretty sure that it was talking about him.

"...the power that he knows not…" The dementor glided higher and closer to him and he backed up against the tree making as much space as possible.

"...the pact between the dark and light…"

"...surrender your body to the dark creatures of the night…"

"...and the light will survive at the sunlight meadow…"

Harry looked at the dementor in shock, in a way it didn't really make sense but did he hear it correctly? It was talking about his body, that he can gather the 'power that he knows not' by surrendering his body to dark creatures? Didn't Dumbledore say that the power Harry will use to defeat him…was love?

Apparently the Dementor was giving him time to think it over, because it glided on the same spot, billowing it's dark red robes. What did it mean by surrendering his body? But then again, if he tried to run he might get his soul sucked out of him, and if he ran any further, Voldemort would kill him.

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