Draco Malfoy x Voldemort

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Voldemort circles the round table and takes his time to admire his prize. Severus Snape was an ugly man but his severed head is the most beautiful thing Voldemort has ever seen.

"You did well, child," he says without looking at the kneeling boy.

"Thank you, my Lord," Draco whispers, keeping his keen gaze fixed on the floor. "It is my pleasure to serve you."

Voldemort's thin lips quirk up in a smile and he runs a single finger down the cold cheek of Severus Snape. Traitor no more, but a mere ornament for Voldemort's mantel. A trophy that confirms his impending victory.

Severus' half-opened eyes are black, lifeless pools. Not much different than when his head was still attached to his body, Voldemort decides. He tucks a greasy strand of hair behind Severus' ear and tilts his head to admire the stretch of gray flesh that is revealed.

Severus Snape was a hideous man in life, but he's perfect in death.

"Come, my child," Voldemort says, reaching out a long-fingered hand to Draco. The boy accepts his invitation,he always does, and Voldemort leads him to his private chambers to celebrate their success.

"Very good, Draco," Snape said and lowered his wand.

Draco smiled one of his pristine smiles, which reminded Snape more of Narcissa than of Lucius. "Thank you, sir. Can we try again?"

"Certainly." Snape straightened himself, raised his wand, and whispered, "Legilimens."

Draco's mind was a rock wall, impossible to penetrate. The boy had been practicing, Severus thought. Probably under Lucius' careful supervision. Although Draco had come with the request to be taught Occlumency, Snape was sure it had been Lucius' idea. And who was he to decline Lucius' demand?

"I believe this is enough for this evening," Snape said. Draco nodded and then stepped up to Snape, placing a pale hand on Snape's shoulder.

"I want to thank you, sir," Draco said while Snape blinked at him in surprise. "I know you went out of your way to make time available for these extra lessons. I'm grateful for that."

"Of course, Draco," Snape said, his voice cracking just for the briefest of moments. "That will be all."

Draco released him and strode out of Snape's office. But before he stepped through the door, he glanced at Snape over his shoulder and smiled. There was a lot more of Lucius in that curve of his pale lips.

Lucius Malfoy had always had beautiful hands. The skin pale and soft and the fingernails manicured to perfection. Voldemort picks up Lucius' right hand, the opal ring still around Lucius' pinkie glittering in the soft candlelight.

"You did very well, child," he says to the kneeling boy and then caresses Draco's cheeks with his father's fingertips. "Very well, indeed."

"Thank you, my Lord," Draco says, leaning into the lifeless touch with eagerness that makes Voldemort's heart swell. Such an obedient boy. Far more obedient than his dead father.

Voldemort raises Lucius' hand to his own face and he shivers at the touch of those cold fingertips. It's a touch he's known well, when it was still warm and trusting. But it's cold now and not welcome any longer. As Voldemort releases Lucius' hand and it falls to the marble floor with a dull thud, Draco rises to his feet and caresses Voldemort's face with a palm that feels alive and hopeful.

"Come, my child," Voldemort says and leads Draco to the bed.

"Has our Lord decided yet when he will honor you with his Mark?" Lucius asked, sloshing his cognac around in his tumbler while he leaned back in his chair, the leather creaking softly under his weight.

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