Severus x lucuis pt1

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Best read side by side with part 2
Main focus: Severus
"what do you want, lucuis." Snape said in irritation as Lucuis would leave him alone, constantly poking and nudging him at any given chance. "Nothing" Lucuis said once more for what seemed to the hundredth time now. "Then leave me be." Snape hissed as he dismissed Lucuis, him finally leaving as a sigh of relief spread over him as he set his paperwork aside and buried his face into his arms.
Though as he began to fall asleep he felt himself jolt up at a mysterious feeling of pain. He attempted to lay back down though the feeling of being touched and poked didn't seem to go away as he soon found himself panting as he went bright. He felt a heavy pressure place itself against His groin,he went red as it began to move in a repetitive stroking motion. He felt himself hold his legs tightly together as it just continued to nag at him, the feeling oh his clothes being shifted, his body being played with. He felt an unbearable pain shoot through him as he suppressed the urge to scream,quickly locking the door out of pure shame. He froze in silent pleasure as he felt his waist being tightly squeezed,him begining to pant heavily. He felt himself attempt to relax his mouth as it only began to hurt as the feeling of something pushing in filled his throat. He let out a sigh of relief as he was now bent over the desk attempting to keep quiet from the many feelings that surrounded him. He tightly gripped his groin as he attempted to fix what he could only assume were his own dirty fantasies. He felt a heavy flash of heat wash over him as he slipped his hand down his pants, begining to stroke it, clearly starting to lose it. He let out a quiet moan as he began to finger himself. Snape attended the curl up as he felt someones brethren down his neck as he slowly push two fingers in. He'll outside own grown as he jolted up, quickly curling his fingers as he went red only to hear a knocking at the door once more. "Professor Snape?" He heard lupins voice speak as he continued to knock, Severus begin to panic as he struggled to collect himself only managing to fix his clothes before remus had managed to open the door."s-severus?!" Remus shouted as he rushed to the man's side,"are you ok?!what happened?!"he began to question as his blushed with quickly hidden,only to show a disheveled old man. "I'm fine.." he said in an attempt to match as usual attitude though failing with a pathetic whine."Severus what did you get yourself into." Ramos said as he was not worried inspected Severus, slipping his clothing aside as he looked back up to snake in horror."w-what did you do to yourself..?" Ramos said as he began to notice heavy bruising that quickly appeared over his light skin,"i-i didn't..." He started out as he looked at his hands, blood dripping onto his palm. " I didn't mean to..I just .."he muttered as Remus froze at the strong scent of the ocean salty are stung his nose, a faint hint of amortentia sweetening the already sour taste and his mouth. He quickly looked behind them as a sound of boots energetically clicking against the tile floor seemed to distract him, his eyes meeting with Lucius's."I think you have something of mine." He said demandingly as the presence of amortentia only thickened the air, it taking a sticky sweet feeling and scent. He felt his body and grow warm as Lucy has pulled on his slave, nudging him away from lupin as part of him wanted to draw back but the other side of him wanted to follow. "I have nothing of yours nor will I return anyting." Severus heard Remus say as Lucuis had tightened his grip tightened, now appearing violent. "I won't repeat myself." He said faultlessly as Remus was growing visibly mad."I will not allow you to poison him!" Remus shouted and Lucy has only continued to push and grab Severus."poison..? I only want him.." Lucia spoke as he resisted from hurting Snape, still attempting the touch him. "Don't touch him." He said firmly as he pointed his wand at Lucy as his throat, though he quickly stopped though not because of the fear plastered on the blonds face but the man in his arms lowering his wand as he began to whine."see..?" Lucius said with a grin as he slowly pulled Severus to him. "Now is something wrong..? I only wish to ask him to his quarters.."he heard Lucia speak as he was now being held by both Lucius and Remus though unable to move."Fine. If you do anything I'll know."  Remus said firmly as he stormed out of the room, leaving Lucuis to lead him away

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