Chapter Twenty-One: Caught?

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     Dean had driven us to a road off by a bridge, the Impala parked up as I was currently leaning against the back of the car, my eyes on Sam who was reading away

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     Dean had driven us to a road off by a bridge, the Impala parked up as I was currently leaning against the back of the car, my eyes on Sam who was reading away. Dean had crouched down and opened the cooler box, receiving a big bottle of whisky, before turning around to face his brother.

"Trust me. This will help," Dean spoke, holding out the bottle of cold whisky to Sam. Sam took it, and gently placed it between his legs, pushing it slowly back onto his crotch. His groans slightly as the cold was keeping the pain away. "That Ghost is dead. I'm gonna rip its lungs out!" Dean was clearly angry as his voice raised at the end of his threat. He was pissed that a Ghost hurt his little brother. A natural reaction, but I looked at him with a 'really' look. "Well, you know what I mean," he turns back around, and faces me.

"Let's find out who he is first, Rambo," I remarked with a snide expression. At times Dean could be hot-headed, and it never did anyone any good.

"It knew my name, Dean. My real name," Sam announces, but Dean was busy reading the file he had in his hands, as he parked himself to the right of me, leaning against the back end of his car. "We burned Barry's bones. What the hell?" Sam was confused, because if it wasn't Barry then who could it be.

"Well, maybe it wasn't Barry. Maybe we missed something. We just got to go back," Dean responded, lifting up a sheet of paper within the file to look at the next page. My eyes glanced over to the file, and noticed something straight away. I took charge, and grabbed the piece of paper Dean was holding and flipped it back down to prove my theory.

"Think you need to get your eyes tested boys," I announce, as their eyes were on me, Dean clearly caught what I had.

"No way. How did we not see this before?" Dean announces, clearly disappointed in himself that he didn't clock it earlier. His eyes met with mine, I could tell he wanted to take this one, and tell his brother about it.

"Still your case. I'm just on for the ride," I spoke before leaning back fully on the Impala.

"What?" Sam questioned, wanting to know what Dean had found.

"Check it out," Dean stepped forward, standing in front of his brother who was sitting on an ice box. Dean handed over the file to Sam. "Look, Martha Dumptruck, revenge of the nerds, and hello kitty -- they all rode the same bus," Dean pointed onto the paper Sam was looking at.

"Ok, so maybe the bus is haunted,"

"Well, that would explain why there's no EMF at the school, but not the attacks," Dean shoved his hands into his pockets and came back over to lean against the Impala. "I mean, Ghosts are tied to the places that they haunt, they can't just bail," Dean read up on the lore, maybe not all of it, but he knew enough that Ghosts are tied to places where they died.

"Unless this one can," Sam spoke. "Dean, there's lore about spirits possessing people and riding them for miles. Then whenever they leave the body, they're bungeed back to their usual haunt. But until then, the Ghosts can go wherever they want," Sam explained, and he was right. I hate to admit it to myself, but he was.

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