Chapter Twelve: Kidnapped

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     Dean and Sam received word that a Hunter friend of theirs had been captured by Lilith's men and was being held captive

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     Dean and Sam received word that a Hunter friend of theirs had been captured by Lilith's men and was being held captive. Of course, they thought it was a trap but after the case in Rock Ridge, Colorado, Abigael just disappeared. It made sense, and they felt bad. So of course they felt obliged to help. The boys stalked through one of the corridors in the abandoned warehouse, their guns cocked and ready for action, and Sam had Ruby's knife with him.

"Dude, I swear if this a trap-"

"Come on Dean," Sam cuts his older brother off. "She vanished on our watch and we judged her like she skipped out. But for months she's probably been held by Demons," Sam whisper-yells to Dean, knowing that they jumped to conclusion far too quickly and passed unnecessary judgment on her.

"I ain't bitchin', I'm just saying. These are the types of traps we fall for," he replies, though they don't know very much about 'Martha' other than she's a hunter. She did save their lives, and told Sam what made Dean ill. So they owed her this at least. They continued to stalk their way through the warehouse, hoping to find Martha in one piece and not dead...

Martha sat in the center of an abandoned warehouse, she was beaten, fresh blood dripped from her nose, cuts were on her cheeks, new bruises forming on old ones, and she had a busted lip. She was tied tightly to a wooden chair, only wearing a silky light pink dressing gown, which was stained with droplets of crimson blood. Her wrists red raw due to how tight the restraints were, and her struggle to get free. She managed to flutter her eyes open, though she was weak, she could see two demons standing in front, staring at her bloody complexion.

"Well, well, guess who's awake," the male demon spoke, before gripping at the back of Martha's hair and ragged her head up to face him directly. "Now I'll ask again what are the Winchesters planning?!" His voice raised and echoed through the empty warehouse. But Martha kept her mouth shut, not wanting to give the demons anything. This just angered the demon, and he strikes her across the face, but she couldn't go with the strike as he held her hair and kept her head still.

"Not the answer we want," the other male demon spoke. The demon that had a grip on her hair, used his other hand and grabbed her cheeks, pushing them together making her lips squish.

"You either tell us what we need to know or you die. Slowly," he smirks at the end of his sentence, finding the fun in hurting her.

Dean and Sam had killed some other demons in the hallway, but they were quiet in doing so. They crept into the main room of the warehouse. It was a giant open space, and in the middle was Martha and the demons. The demon that held Martha let her go, but he reclined his hand, and made a fist and struck her across the face, allowing her head to go in the direction. Blood foamed at her mouth, her teeth stained with the color of red.

"Tell us!" He yells, his voice echoing throughout the warehouse. But Martha laughs, a deep chuckle for a moment, before spitting out the large amount of blood. She turns her head slowly back around, to meet the eyes of the demon.

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