Chapter Ninety-One: Bye Factory

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     Sam told his plan by saying yes to Lucifer and jumping in the cage himself to Castiel

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     Sam told his plan by saying yes to Lucifer and jumping in the cage himself to Castiel. Even hearing it a second time, and out loud, still didn't sit well with me. Stupid, idiotic, do I need to go on?

"Yes to Lucifer. Then jump in the hole," Cas retook the simpler steps of the idea of Sam's. "It's an interesting plan," Cas couldn't deny it was an interesting one, but maybe he could bring some sense into Sam. I hear Bobby scoff briefly at the words Cas replied with.

"That's a word for it," Bobby said, as he too didn't like the idea as much.

"So? Go ahead and tell me it's the worst plan you ever heard," Sam was ready to be told the same by him like everyone else who he told.

"Of course. I am happy to say that if that's what you want to hear. But it's not what I think," my eyebrows quickly knitted together in confusion, as I would have thought Cas would have been opposed to this.

"Really?" Even Sam sounded surprised at his reaction.

"You and Dean have a habit of exceeding my expectations. He resisted Michael. Maybe you could resist Lucifer-"

"In what world do you think he could resist the Devil?!" I allowed myself to voice my opinion on the matter. My eyes flicked between Sam, and Cas. "I'm still highly opposed to this," I shot Sam a look, but there wasn't any changing his mind on this.

"There are things you need to know," Cas continued.


"Michael has found another vessel," didn't take him long to find one.

"What?" Sam was freaking out.

"It's your brother Adam," Cas responds, as I kind of forgot about him until now. But it was the most likely vessel. "You must have considered it," so I guess they didn't save him after all.

"We were trying not to," Sam states, he and Dean didn't want to think that it was an option but it clearly was.

"Sam... If you say yes to Lucifer and then fail.. This fight will happen, and the collateral. It'll be immense," Cas wasn't trying to knock his confidence in this. Sam now had the weight of the world on his shoulders, it just passed from one brother to the other. "There's also the demon blood," the last part caught us all off guard.

"What? What are you talking about?" Sam was quick in his response.

"To take in Lucifer, it would be more than you've ever drunk,"

"But... Why?" Sam didn't see the reason to need to drink demon blood at all, if he's just saying yes to the devil.

"It strengthens the vessel. Keeps it from exploding," Cas explained, eyes locked onto Sam.

"But the guy he's in now –"

"Is drinking gallons," Cas cuts off Sam, as it was another thing to add to the worst plan ever.

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