Chapter Eighty: Gods

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     The offer Lucifer presented to me was complex

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     The offer Lucifer presented to me was complex. Was I really going to accept the offer? Become his servant? Or would it be so much more than that? For the time being, I fortified the apartment, casting every boundary, cloaking spell I knew of that would be a strong deterrent to keep him away.

Been weeks since I had any contact with either of the Winchesters. I don't even know if they saved Adam. At this moment, I didn't care. Sam tried to contact me, but I ignored his consistent calls. He left a dozen or so voicemails, but I never listened to them. I also didn't leave the apartment much, I had hidden inside like a coward, as if I stepped out into the open Lucifer would snatch me up. In my mind I knew I would be safe, avoiding people was second nature, but something clawed at the back of my head. And I didn't want to take the chance.

I sat at the heath of the fireplace, staring deep into the roaring flames that were produced by the burning logs. I was trying to forget about Lucifer and his offer but it always was brought back up moments later. My eyes scanned that of the fire, watching as it was free to dance around the logs without a card in the world.

"The Hybrid," a female voice rang from behind, making me quickly shoot to my feet, and turn to see a woman standing a few inches away. I could sense that she wasn't an Angel nor demon. Not even a witch.

"There's a door for a reason," I huffed, as people just liked to pop up out of nowhere like it was their own home. "Who are you? Because there's power radiating off of you," I could sense the power she held. A smirk danced across her red painted lips.

"Kali," the name rolled off her lips with ease. But I just knitted my eyebrows together. "Kalika," the other name filled the air, and my expression turned to recognition.

"The Hindu Goddess?" Kali's smirk only confirmed that it was her. "Just what I need," The words came out as a groan, not really wanting to deal with a literal Goddess. Though I wasn't all too surprised, if the main God was real. Then all the others from other religions would be real too. "What do you want?" I wasn't in the mood to play games.

"You know the Judeo-Christian apocalypse is upon us. And you my dear, are a pawn in their game," she retorted, swaying her hips forward, but my eyes never disconnected from hers.

"We're all pawns in someone else's game," I replied swiftly, my words cutting like knives. But she only smirked at my reply. "And what pawn am I in yours?" I flashed up my eyebrows briefly.

" Leveridge," she was smug about it. Before I could respond, I felt a sharp plunge into my neck, it was quick and came as a shock. I could feel the wound healed as quickly as it came, but I raised my head up to see a man standing next to Kali. Holding a vile of blood. My blood.

"You are now bound to me," she took the blood from the man, and in a blink of an eye he was gone. I stormed forward, but she gave me a look and suddenly, I abruptly stopped in my tracks. "You are on a leash," her smile widened, but I gritted my teeth, as I couldn't do anything until I got my blood back.

"I'm not scared of a God. I've danced with the Devil," the confidence I had for not being scared of her, and that I've faced Lucifer was a smug move to make. With a single pointed look by Kali, darkness surrounded my vision, and I dropped. That was all I remembered...


The pain in my head began to subside, as I began to recover from my abrupt slumber. My eyes fluttered open to be met with the brief blur lights of the place I was in. After a few blinks they began to recover my vision, and my sights fell upon Kali, and many more people around her.

"She's awake," she states, arms folded on her red top that she was wearing when she came to collect me. I wasn't sitting down, I was already standing, so I must have been held in this position. But my outfit also felt different, I peered down to see the soft dark-red fabric I was wearing. It was a floor length dress. It fitted perfectly to me, and hugged my body.

I shook my head gently, remembering where I was. My head quickly shot up, and my eyes scanned around the room, seeing tags on their bodies, with their names. Baldur, Kali, Odin, Ganesh. All of these were Gods. All gathered in one place.

"Hope I'm not the main course," even in danger, I was smug, and wrote it off as a playful thing. "I'm more of a dessert kinda gal," I threw a cheeky wink to Baldur, but he remained unpressed by my actions. "Besides, there's a reason why I am here," my eyes flicked between Kali and Baldur.

"We're just waiting on two more guests to arrive," Baldur states, bringing his gaze over to Kali. More Gods were on their way, great.

"I'm surprised, I'm not chained down as I'm sure my reputation precedes me," I flashed my eyebrows for a second, as there wasn't a demon or creature who hadn't heard of the infamous Demon. Not many low-life demons have heard of my Hybrid status.

"Ah yes," Baldur states, turning his gaze back to me. "The Hybrid, born to a Witch Mother, and a Demon Father," his eyes shifted up and down my figure for a moment, until his eyes landed back with mine. "But there's something deeper, something hidden. A sense of old, something very old," it was like he was staring deep into my soul to get this information, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

"Your guess is as good as mine," I responded, narrowing my eyes to him. As I didn't get the sense that they liked angels, and the Archangels. Our stare didn't let up for a few seconds, before he decided to break it, and turn his attention back to Kali.

I felt uncomfortable, being in the center of the room, and having eyes upon me. It wasn't my own doing, so it was kind of unnerving. Before I could move, I could hear the doors shoot open, and grunts entering the room. I turned on the spot, my hair following suit, and the gown. I met the eyes of the two I didn't really want to see right now.

"Should have figured," I replied sarcastically, folding my arms over my chest. But as my eyes held their gazes, it melted away my hatred for them, as Sam was much too blame as Dean. Dean couldn't hold my gaze for long as he still felt that guilt, and damn right he should.

"Abigael?! What are you doing here?!" Sam was trying to piece it all together. But both of the Winchesters lacked the knowledge of what I knew. Before I could respond, a wheeling sound came to ear, making me turn on the spot to see the man who was in my apartment with Kali - Mercury. The name tag read.

"Dinner is served," he announces, before lifting the tray off the plate to reveal a human skull - still with the flesh on. Dotted around the head was the rest of the man's body, his organs, bits of flesh. Not one part of his body was not on that platter. The Gods applaud seeing the dinner as a fine treat.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," Baldur began, as a spotlight beamed upon me, and that of the Winchesters. "Our guests of honor have arrived," once again I turned on the spot to see the Winchesters stare at me. But what could we do? We were trapped, in this place filled with Gods...



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