Chapter Eighty-Seven: Theory

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     The next thing I heard was glass shattering, a table breaking and a snarl erupting through the air

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     The next thing I heard was glass shattering, a table breaking and a snarl erupting through the air. My eyes darted to Sam, only locking for a moment, as I darted off into the next room seeing Dean close the doors to the kitchen, hoping it would stop the Hellhound. Dean raced over to the duffel bag with his shotgun in, pulling it free just in time for the hound to jump through the glass doors, sending glass everywhere. Snarls came clear as it brought it up from the deepest depths from within. Dean began to shoot randomly at air, hoping to get it.

I threw my right hand down, and a fireball conjured in my palm, and without thinking, I threw the fireball in the direction of the hound. The fireball impacted with the hound, and it was such a powerful blast, it knocked the beast straight off its paws. The creature skidded on the floor, but it shook off my attack and got back on its feet. Before charing forward, it's jaw snapping at us. Dean let off another shot, as we began to walk backwards.

"Sammy!" Dean yelled for backup, but I threw both my hands down and fire was conjured in both my palms. Dean shot the hound, and it yelped out in pain, but that did nothing.

"Salt?" Sam asked, but Dean shot a look at him, as he didn't get it in time. Dean reloaded the shotgun, as the fire in my hands began to grow hotter. Ready for the hound to make the first move.

"Damn it, get me out of here!" Brady yells, once seeing the Hellhound entering the room, it's head pointed to him.

"Shut up!" The air was mixed with both of the Winchesters' voices, as they spoke in unison.

"Great. Just great," Brady moans.

"You three get out of here. I'll hold it off," I took a step forward from the side of Dean, as I was the only one that could see it.

"Hey!" Crowley's voice appeared from behind the hound, making me lock my gaze with him, and a massive Hellhound by his side.

"You're back?" Dean seemed stunned with the fact Crowley returned.

"I'm invested. Currently," he replies just as his hound barks. "Stay!" He commanded, as his hound was ready to attack, but it obeyed its master.

"You can control them?" Dean asks.

"Not that one," Crowley pointed out to the untamed hellhound. He brought his hand to pat his Hellhound, and it was up to his chest. "I brought my own. Mine's bigger," he brags, which didn't surprise me at all. "Sic him, boy!" Crowley shouts the command, and the hound went straight into action, and darted for the other hound. The house then erupted in growls, barking, and chomping. I crushed my hands in on themselves, and the flames were extinguished. Dean dashed over to help Sam untie Brady. The devil trap was still intact, but I waved my hand hastily out towards it. A scorch mark appeared at the outer circle, burning away a piece to break the trap.

"Go! Go!" Sam rushes Brady to his feet. I watched as the boys dashed out through the backway, and I saw the hounds come flying through the wall, breaking it wide open. In a single blink, I was now outside, seeing the boys rushing towards the car. Dean opened the door for Brady to shuffle in, and slammed it on him.

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