Chapter Sixty-Two: Mary & John

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     Dean hotwired a car, while I got a bit of rest in the back

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     Dean hotwired a car, while I got a bit of rest in the back. Night descended on us, as I just fell off. It only took an hour to get to the house of the Winchesters. I managed to wake up just in time to see that we were pulling up to the house. The car juddered to a stop, and Sam quickly climbed out. Like he was a man on a mission. I got out of the driver's side, just to see Sam fast walk passed, heading to the house.

"Sam. Sam. wait, wait, wait," Dean rushes after him, as I slammed the car door shut.

"Dean, Anna could be here any second," Sam announces, turning his body towards his brother.

"What exactly are we gonna march up there and tell 'em?" Dean asks, because whatever they say, Mary and John could just dismiss it.

"Uh, the truth," Sam retorted, finding that the truth was always the best.

"What, that their sons are back from the future to save them from an angel gone 'terminator'?" Dean rushes out the words. "I mean come on, those movies haven't even come out yet,"

"One way you can put it," I remarked, flashing my eyebrows briefly.

"Well, then tell her demons are after 'em," Sam opted for another lie they could tell to protect their parents. "I mean, she thinks you're a hunter, right?"

"Yeah, a hunter who disappeared right when her Dad died. She's gonna love me," Dean's voice filled with sarcasm, as after anyone seeing that, they wouldn't be happy. "Just follow my lead," Dean states after a moment of silence, thinking of a plan in his head.

Dean marched up the porch steps, and we came to stand at the front door of the house in no time. I was to the right of Dean, as Sam stood behind me, he was tall so he could look over. Dean reaches over and presses the door bell, it chimes out, alerting the home owners that there's someone here. In seconds, the door to the house swung open, to reveal this young, beautiful blonde haired woman. Her eyes cast over Sam and I, but when they landed on Dean. Her expression twisted into recognition, and a hint of fear.

"Hi, Mary," Dean spoke.

"You can't be here," were the first words she spoke.

"I'm sorry if this is a bad time-"

"You don't understand. I'm not," she hung close to the door, keeping it closed so we couldn't see further into the house. Mary's eyes cast to that of Sam, as I imagine he was staring at her. "I don't do that anymore. I have a normal life now. You have to go," she begins to close the door.

"I'm sorry, but this is important, ok?" Dean extends his hand out to touch the door, stopping it from closing on us. Suddenly, a man cleared their throat, and the door opened wider, to reveal this handsome man. I tilted my head down slightly, and peered up through my eyelashes, my mouth agape for a moment.

"Sorry, sweetie, they're just,"

"Mary's cousins," Dean was fast on his feet, and answered. "Yeah, we couldn't stop through town without swinging by and saying 'hey', now, could we?" Dean explained, offering his charming personality. "Dean," he stuck out his hand ready for John to shake. Their palms connected, and began to shake.

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