~ Epilogue ~

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     Abigael Adams, a woman who has lived for over three-hundred years

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     Abigael Adams, a woman who has lived for over three-hundred years. Always on the run, and causing chaos at every turn. But this was no longer who she was. She had evolved since the start of her 'demon era'. But can you really evolve if the path you were on was already determined by a higher being. That all her life has been guided by the forces of evil?

The sound of music blared through a bar. The bar wasn't anything fancy, but it could be lively at times. Bodies littered the surrounding small stage, blood covered the wall, some fresh and some had already dried. Bottles of alcohol shattered, and leaked their liquids onto the ground. A few corpses laid on the bar counter, some even ripped limb from limb. The whole place was like something out of a horror movie.

Dean Winchester moved silently through the hallway, creeping ever so quietly. His gun was drawn, and held out in front of him. He could hear the music blaring out. He had found some demon activity not far from where he currently lives with Lisa and Ben. He wanted to stop this before it got even closer to them. Dean peers around the corner to look into the main area of the bar. The stretch hit him like a wave, but he dealt with it. He noticed bodies scattered, some whole and others ripped apart.

"Your stare was holdin'. Ripped jeans, skin was showin'. Hot night, wind was blowin'. Where you think you're going, baby?" A female voice rang freely, echoing throughout the room. Dean made it further into the room, and took his gaze upon the stage. "Hey, I just met you, I think it's crazy, but he's a head, so call me maybe," in the center of the small platform stage was Abigael, soaked in blood. No exposed skin was safe from the crimson liquid. She was swaying a decapitated male head around as if it was a toy, and swung it in line with the beat. In her other hand was the microphone, singing away like she didn't have a care in the world.

Dean was shocked to say the least, but wasn't surprised all too much. Abigael felt his presence and dropped-kicked the served head into the crowd. Dean ducked out of the way as it passed him.

"Abigael?!" Dean raised his voice over the music that continued to play, but Abigael met Dean's piercing gaze.

"Dean Winchester," she spoke his name slowly, coming off the small stage and stepping over the bodies. "I thought you were with that bitch Lisa and her bastard child?" It was like she had reverted back to her own demon self. The one Lucifer wanted.

"What have you done?!" His words came through his clenched jaw, eyes wildly casting around the room. Seeing only destruction and chaos.

"I did what I'm meant for!" She shot back at him, and the music abruptly cut off with the raise of her voice. "Apparently, my whole life has been a lie! That I was only born to fill Lucifer's desire to have his beloved Aradia back!" She was angry on the outside, filled with rage. But deep down she was hurting. "For three centuries I've thought my own choices were that. My own! But they weren't!" Her voice trembles, as she fists her hands. "I've been led down this path! So why not embrace it!" She threw out her hands in anger, and the bodies around them were thrown in opposite directions. Dean quickly raised his gun, and aimed it straight for her chest.

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