Chapter Thirty-Nine: Gold Star?

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     The smile on my face didn't diminish, as the boys collected themselves together

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     The smile on my face didn't diminish, as the boys collected themselves together. Speechless and trying to form words but they looked like cod fishes. It was oddly cute to see them like this.

"You guys really think about what we've been through. You think the rise of the devil would keep me away?" I questioned folding my arms over my chest while raising my eyebrow to them.

"Well, we always figured it was a possibility that you were still alive," Sam states, finally collecting himself.

"And here you stand. Alive" Dean remarks, finally becoming his old self, hoping that I perished in that beam of light when the devil escaped.

"And here I thought you would be thrilled to see me," I shot back, unfolding my arms and coming down the rest of the steps but stopped two steps above. So the boys could look up at me.

"What are you doing here?" Dean spoke, his teeth gritting together.

"I heard that Demons possessed this quaint little town, and wanted to see for myself,'' I answered as honestly as I could, they didn't need to know everything. "Plus, I couldn't miss a warm embrace from my two favorite hunters now, could I?" I teased the boys, making them just give me that look of disgust.

"If you are not here to help. Leave," Dean was direct, and pushed his way through and up the stairs. Sam gave me an apologetic look for a moment, before he followed after Dean. Sometimes I wanted to punch Dean in the face so hard, it broke something. But he was right, if I was just here to float around and watch how this plays out. I could leave and forget all about this, but if I stayed and actually helped for once. Will I be redeemed in their eyes? Not a chance, but it was the start in the right direction. God, these men drive me crazy.

With a sign, I turned on the spot, going back up the steps, and out of the building. In the distance, I saw Sam head in one direction and Dean up straight on main. Sam was going to get salt and Dean the guns. Right now who hated me the most was Dean, all he could see was a Monster, a demon to be put down. He doesn't know the real me.

I followed Dean down main, treading carefully. He cocked his head left and right, holding onto his shotgun tight just in case he sees a demon. Within minutes, he reached the store and entered. I was lagging behind just to make sure no one was following us. I entered the store and the bell rang, alerting Dean to someone in the store.

"Don't shoot, it's only little old me," I spoke with a smirk tugging on my lips as I saw Dean pop up from behind the counter. It was a standard gun store, where the counter held different guns in and some on the wall.

"Still tempted to shoot," he remarks, still pointing his gun at me.

"Won't do you any good," I was smug in my reply. He just gave me a look, still wanting to shoot but he knew it would draw attention. After a moment, he placed the gun on the counter, and began to pack his duffel bags he brought with various shotguns. That was also on the counter. I swayed my hips towards him, as Dean went on packing the shotguns. I place my hands on the edge, leaning into them as I just watch him. He was just carrying on, the air between us was silent and defending.

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