Chapter Fifty-Eight: The Basement

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     Once they finished their food, Sam went to the town hall, and I accompanied him, aiding him in his search for anything that led us to Maggie Briggs burial sight

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     Once they finished their food, Sam went to the town hall, and I accompanied him, aiding him in his search for anything that led us to Maggie Briggs burial sight. But turned up nothing. Sam suggested we head back to the motel, but I decided I wanted to search some more, he wanted to stay, but I insisted he went to Dean. So, he did. I was left alone. Firstly, I sorted the records back where we found them. The table I was at was empty now, and with no one in sight. I waved my hand above the table, as black smoke appeared. It etched out a large book, before the smoke faded and laid on the table was my leather bound Grimoire. Even looking at it, you could tell it was going to be heavy.

I opened the Grimoire, and flicked through the yellow-aged pages, finding different incantations, potion recipes, and even information about certain supernatural creatures. Passed down through the centuries, so it was pretty filled with all sorts of information.

With a few more turns of pages, I finally found a spell that I was looking for. To bring forth a spirit. I still had a sense that it would freak the boys out of me performing witchcraft. I read through the spell, and the instruction that went with it. Certain spells had certain instructions a witch must follow, and this was one of them. It was a simple spell, but I would have to have her bones in front of me for the spell to work.

I flipped to the front of the page, and against the leather back was a silver chain holding a Rose Quartz. Stuck on by some tape, every decade or so I replace it. A faint smile tugged at the corner of my lips, finding that the item held a ton of good memories. A few moments passed, and I forced my gaze away from the past. I closed my grimoire, and as I did, black smoke engulfed it, sending it back where it came from.

I pushed the chair back, and stood to my feet, walking through the town records back to the reception area where the female receptionist was still there. I smiled at her, as she offered a flirtatious smile back, but now was no time to be messing around. I came out of the record hall, and into the chilly night. It had been a few hours since Sam left, so he would be back at the motel by now. I pulled my phone free, and texted Sam, saying that I had found something, and I'll be at the motel in a moment. I pushed my phone back into my leather jacket pocket.

With a single blink, I was back in the motel room that the boys were renting for a few nights. I see Sam standing in front of a full length mirror, wearing a v-neck gray shirt, and flexing his muscles. As if he was admiring himself.

"Don't stop," I teased playfully, but he jumped out of his skin, and spun around to face me. "I get it, you have big muscles," I giggled at him, but he seemed flustered at my comment or that I scared him.

"Wher-Where did you come from?" He questioned, looking at me for a moment. I pulled a confused expression, as if he was messing with me.

"Thin air," I remarked, laughing at the end of my comment. "If you want, you can take that top off and flex some more," I took my shot, teasing him once again, a playful smirk dancing across my lips. He pulled a smirk of his own, and took the hem of his shirt, and began to raise it up. "I'm kidding," I replied, which I shouldn't have, but now wasn't the time.

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