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avery pov
about a month later - june of two thousand and twenty

"so, how long is marshall supposed to be up in michigan?" samantha asked as we laid on the couch, vegged out. "not long, just a couple days" I said, closing my eyes trying to distract myself from the nausea and spinning room.

"why didn't you go with?" she asked, nonchalantly. I tried to swallow the acid that was climbing my throat, "I haven't felt that great the past couple days. I think I have food poisoning" I said, as I pulled the blanket up to my chin.

"how long have you felt like this?" she asked as she dug through her purse. I shrugged, "I don't really know, a few days?" I guess. 

"I just wanna put this out there, that you don't get dizziness from food poisoning. so I suggest you take this" she said as I looked down to the pregnancy test she threw at me. I let out a low chuckle, "why the hell are you carryin' this around?"

she shrugged, "mark and I have decided to start trying again, and I just want to be prepared if I needed it" she said. "ohmygod, you're joking. i'm gonna be an aunt?" I questioned excitedly as samantha rolled her eyes.

"will you hush and take the test" she said. I shrugged, "I don't think I really need to" I said before throwing it back to her, before feeling the acid quickly rise knowing I wouldn't push it back down this time. 

I ran as fast as I could to the bathroom, expelling whatever was life in my body before sitting back, trying to regain my breath. samantha had followed behind me, to hold my hair and do her best to soothe me.

I sighed, giving in. "fine, i'll take the test" I said as she nodded, and pulled it from the pocket of her sweatpants before going to leave. I stopped her and shook my head, "please, stay" I said, my voice hoarse. 

she nodded before watching as my hands shook uncontrollably as I tried my best to rip open the package. frustrated, I stopped and let out a deep sigh. "let me help you, honey" she said as she took the test from my hand, unwrapping it.

"I know this is nerve wracking but, take a deep breath for me" she said before handing it to me. I quickly peed on the test, before setting it on a tissue on the counter. I groaned out, running my hands over my face, trying to ignore the splitting headache.

"how much longer?" I asked, I asked as tears brimmed my eyes. "just a few more seconds, but, hey we're not gonna cry. everything is going to be okay" she said as she pulled me into her as tight as she could before the timer went off.

I shook my head, "I don't think I can look.." I said as she snatched the test, unphased I had peed on it minutes ago. samantha didn't need to say anything because her face said it all, "oh my- it's positive isn't it?" I asked as she shook her head. 

I could feel my chest tighten and my breathing become shallow, "oh god, no" I said as I grabbed the test, seeing the solid two pink lines for myself. I buried my head in my hands, "this can't be fuckin' happening"

"marshall and I never discussed kids, how do I even know if he wants more?" I said as another wave of nausea came over me. "honey, this is marshall we're talking about. the man literally worships the ground you walk on"

my phone started to vibrate as marshall's name was across the screen. as samantha saw the panic in my eyes she pressed her finger to her lips signaling for me to stay quiet, before quickly pressing the accept button. 

"hey, marshall" she said, as she put the call on speaker. "h-hey, sam" he said as he stuttered anxiously. 

"I assume she's sleeping" he deadpanned. samantha quickly looked to me, "yeah, this food poisoning is kicking her ass but she finally fell asleep" she said as I buried my face in my hands uneasy.

he let out a defeated sigh, "I really didn't want to leave her while she wasn't feelin' good" he said as samantha sighed. "I understand but at least you have peace of mind that she's not alone when you're gone. she'll always have me"

marshall let out a low chuckle, "and I appreciate that, more than you know" he said before a silence lingered. "when she wakes up, please let her know I rearranged some stuff so i'll be home tonight. the flight leaves in about an hour"

"i'm sure she'll be happy to hear that. have a safe flight" samantha said before ending the call. I clenched onto her arm in pure panic, "avery, avery james.. please" she said as she detached me from her arm.

samantha sighed, "honey listen to me, this is marshall we're talking about. y'all are engaged and that baby is something that you made together. how could he ever, be upset at that?" she asked as I once again buried my face in my hands.


later that night

"avery..?" marshall called out as he opened the door to the apartment. I heard his bags drop to the floor before he rounded the corner, leading into the hallway. marshall and I quickly made eye contact, before he let out a satisfied smile.

"hey, you're eating something? you feelin' better?" he asked as he furrowed his eyebrows, trying to make out what I had concocted in the dim light of the kitchen. "what are you eating baby?" he asked, before grabbing a diet coke from the fridge. 

"ice cream and chopped up pickles" I said with a mouthful. marshall's face quickly scrunched in disgust. "okay.. that's a weird combination to eat after having food poisoning" he said before cracking the diet can open.

I didn't know what to say, the words were just suck and desperately trying to come out. I needed to say something, anything at this point. "i'm pregnant.." I blurted out, before burying my head in my hands.

"what..?" marshall said before a silence lingered. "i'm pregnant, marshall" I reiterated before tears began to fall uncontrollably. 

"h-hey, why are you crying baby?" he asked as he pulled me into his chest, as tight as he could. I tried to collect myself, "you have grown children, marshall. i'm almost certain that you don't want to do that all over again" 

he sighed, "please listen to me, avery. if someone would have told me I was gonna get remarried I would have told them they were out of their damn mind. but you are only twenty fours years old, i'd be a selfish prick if I didn't even consider kids"

"that's unfair to you" he said as he wiped the wetness from my cheeks. "you've thought about having kids, with me?" I asked. 

marshall nodded and let out a low chuckle, before pressing his lips to my skin. "i'm ready for whatever curve ball life has for us, as long as you're by my side. now no more tears, we're havin' a baby" he said softly.

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