The Truth About Max

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((Max's POV)) 

        My parents are avoiding something. Dad said that I'm not alive, then just left it at that. What am I, some sort of zombie?! Actually, that would be kinda cool. Max the magic zombie! But dad says magic can't bring things back from the dead... 

        "Sam! Sam, it's Alice! We're alive!" Alice pushes past me, running over to the armored girl, who had been talking to Ethan. She looks up, grins, and waves at us. I grin. 

        "Ethan! You're alive!" Indy looks a little confused, then stops in his tracks. 

        "Were you all... attacked? Max what if they think I'm a spy?" He whispers. I hadn't thought of that. The army might look past his cute exterior and accuse him of being a squid. To my surprise, Sky speaks up. 

        "It'll take some getting used to, having you around, but I won't let them kick you out." Sky says quietly. Indy nods, then he smiles. 

        "You're Sky, like, the Sky. Leader of the Sky army. I always wanted to meet you, but I guess this wasn't the best time..." Next to him, Alesa laughs. 

        "Believe me, we have made friends in worse situations. Alice said your name's Indy?" Indy nods, smiling. Paying attention to their conversation and not where I'm going, I run into a tree. 

        "... then he was dead! It was epic!" I hear Alice exclaim. Sam laughs lightly. Her armor is dented, and she has a bandage on her left arm starting at her shoulder and going to her elbow. Apart from that and a few little cuts, she seems fine. 

        "That reminds me of a story I heard from a friend of mine. Remind me to tell you sometime, I think you'd like it." Alice nods, grinning, then looks over and sees we've caught up with her. 

        Sky, we need to talk. Ethan's red letters of communication are slightly glitched now, and his expression is sad and tired. He then points to Indy, Alice and I and says You should go rest, I'm sure you've been though a lot. Alice crosses her arms. 

        "Ethan, we're staying. At least, until those two explain themselves!" She nods at my parents, and everyone looks their way. 

        "I'll go with you, Ethan, Seto and Brice need to talk to their kid. Alesa, you're welcome to come." Sky says quietly. Alesa nods, and they both follow Ethan through the entrance to the castle. I look at my parents, and they sigh. 

        "So, as Brice said in a very flat out way, you're not... alive. We wanted a kid, but when we visited he city, it was to hard to see the loss everyone had suffered. Instead, we both did what we do best." Seto say quietly. Brice nods. 

        "You remember the trip we took when you were little to the creek, when we collected clay and made little animals? Then Seto showed you how to animate them, make them seem alive." I nod, trying to understand where this is going. Then, it hits me. Alice and Indy are looking at me strangely. 

        "Wait... I'm a fucking rock?!" Indy laughs and Alice snorts. My parents look happy I'm not mad at them. 

        "Well, I guess, yeah. We couldn't quite agree who you should look more like, so you look like both of us. You grew up like a normal child, went though fazes like a normal child, and you have your own personality. I didn't do anything to make you like one of us or the other in your actions." Seto says. Brice nods in Indy's direction, smiling. 

        "On the other hand, I think you did follow our footsteps relationship wise." Indy makes a squeaking noise and turns pink, and Alice crosses her arms. 

        "Hold up, hold up. Max, you can be a clump of dirt, and Indy can be a fish, but I don't think I could handle whatever chaos you two would cause as a couple! No!" Thank makes us all laugh, and lifts the last of the tension. 

        "I'm not dirt!" I complain. Alice just flips me off. Typical. Sam walks back over to us. I hadn't noticed her leave, but she must have slipped off to talk to a guard. 

        "Now it's time to go to your rooms. We may need to change the situations, as I don't think the parents and kids want to sleep in the same rooms. We always have spare rooms, so it shouldn't be hard to find a place for you three." I nod, and Sam starts to lead us inside.

        Before we go upstairs to the dorms, I notice Sky and Alesa standing in the doorway of the mess hall. Sky has his hands over his face, and his shoulders are shaking. Ethan's text to to far way to read.

To my 8 readers, thank you for sticking with me! 

How many of you suspected Max? I dropped a few hints throughout the story. 

I think I am going to write a second part. Would that be cool with you guys? If you don't want to answer my questions, that's cool, I just like writing like I'm actually talking to someone. 

Have a nice day! Night? Afternoon? Whenever you have, have a good one!  

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