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((Three days Later))

((Max's POV))

        "Hey, where's Alice? Ryan took her to see some place, like, and hour ago!" Indy shrugs, poking his food with his fork but not eating it. I've noticed over the past few days how he doesn't eat much when people are around. Apparently, it's hard to eat with that stupid bandana around his face. 

        "I heard Mitch wants to talk to you. Better hope he's not mad at you." Indy says coldly. I shrug, but can't help feeling a little worried. What if seeing ghosts is a sorcerer thing and I just screwed myself over the other day? Dad never said anything about that, but still... 

        "Hey Max, can I sit here? Other tables are full." I look up to see Alice holding a bowl of soup. I nod, and she sits down. That's when I notice the clothes she's wearing. 

        "Whoa, you look exactly like your dad in the one pic!" She laughs. 

        "Yeah, Ryan said I did. And Mitch. And Jerome. It's great to be out and about finally!" She starts eating her soup, then notices Indy playing with his food. She chokes when he looks at her, then sets her spoon down. 

        "You alright there?" I ask. She nods, her eyes watery. 

        "Y-yeah. Who are you? You look like... you just reminded me of something." Wow, icy tone. I thought Indy was the master of cold, but he has a competitor here. 

        "I'm Indy, and if you dare say what I'm pretty sure you're thinking I will shoot you in the head." Normally, I just shrug it off, but Alice looks like she's going to rip Indy's head right off. 

        "Come at me bro, I wanna see you try." She hisses. She just met Indy, what could he possibly remind her of that made her so pissed?

        "Hey, Alice, chill out. What did you and Ryan talk about?" I say, changing the subject. She gives Indy one last glare, then turns to me. 

        "He says that we can set off for the castle by tomorrow morning, if not sooner! Apparently a friend of my dad's is currently running the castle, but he's worried word of the squid attacks will not get there in time." Okay, I noticed that. She looked right at Indy when she said squid. She's lucky he seems to be spacing out, because otherwise she might be dead on the floor with a bullet in her face. 

        "Oh. Any word about either of our parents?" She shakes her head, then stops and nods. 

        "Yeah, not that I think about it. I overheard Mitch talking to Jerome about your dad, or, that's what it sounded like. Something about some old book they found." I had made the wrong decision to take a sip of water while she was talking, and choke the second she mentions a book. 

        "Whoa, you okay?" she asks, alarmed. I nod, then put my head down on the table. 

        "Yeah, I'm fine. I might be screwed, but I'm fine." 

        "So... is that what you were doing on the roof the other day?" Indy asks. I look up and glare at him. He just shrugs and goes back to poking his food. 

        "What do you mean? Chill out Max, you couldn't have done anything that bad, could you?" I know she means well, but Alice's comments are not helping me right now. I mean, it wasn't the best place to hide the spell book, but there wasn't really a better option! 

        "I was hiding something... crap I'm so screwed." Alice tilts her head to the side. 

        "I noticed you freak out about something when we first met. Your cloak is not the best hiding spot in the world. Even I could tell it was a book, and I'm far from Mitch and Jerome standards. If you're freaked though... We could leave now." Indy looks at her like she's crazy. 

        "You have no training, no guide, and no way to stop me from telling them you've made a run for it. What are you thinking?" Alice pretends to think for a minute, then flicks her spoon, smacking Indy in the face. 

        "We could make you come with us, although I doubt that's necessary. How often do you stop training and actually go out and do something?" Indy looks surprised. I don't blame him, hadn't Alice pretty much called him a squid and threw her silver wear at him? Although really, I'd rather have him with us than against us. 

        "Well, what's the plan then? We can't just get up and leave." I say. Alice smiles. 

        "Why not? I have a map to the castle and I know how to make a compass. Indy has some training that he could hopefully teach us. You need to get out of here if you're on Mitch's bad side. After we eat, let's go get any stuff we absolutely need, and go. It's unexpected, so they might not even notice we're gone till it's to late!" Indy shrugs. 

        "Fine, I'm in. It has been a while since I've done anything interesting. I'm finished with my food, so I'll go. I'm gonna grab some extra ammo, meet you on ground level." He gets up and leaves, leaving Alice and I. Wow, this has never happened before. 

        "So, what super secret thing are you hiding?" Oh, right, should have guessed that. 

        "Nothing, just a book, like you said." She studies me, and doesn't look convinced. After a moment, she gets up and heads off to her room. 

        "This girl is crazy. She's crazy, and she's going to get you killed. why are you listening to anything she's telling you?" I mutter, then get up and head to my own room to get the spell book. 

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