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((Alice's POV))

        "Just a five more steps. Five... Five more. Okay, now five more. Can't... Can't stop now." I stumble, and catch myself before I run right into a tree. I reached the stream ages ago, and have been running ever since. Well, I sorta stopped running half an hour ago. Now I'm doing my best just to put one foot in front of the other. 

        Thinking back on it, I haven't eaten since dinner last night. My pajamas a wet an muddy from slipping n the river bank earlier, and my feet are covered in small cuts and bruises from stepping on rocks and twigs. I have reason to be tired. 

        I sit down under the tree and pull my knees up to my chest. I just want to stop. What am I even running from? Why? What messed up thing happened that made someone want to attack my family? 

        "Maybe... Maybe I should take a rest..?" I mumble to myself. I lie down under a tree, and close my eyes. Seconds later, I open my eyes in a dream. 

        "Oh, is this her? She's so cute! Adam, she looks just like you! Well... apart from her eyes. She has her mother's eyes." A lady with pink and purple hair smiles at me, then looks up at a younger version of my dad. 

        "Thanks for coming over, really. Alesa and I have just been so busy lately, I feel like she's alone with Jason to much. She needs girl time." The lady laughs and picks up baby-me. He eyes are different colors, one green and one blue. Apparently, I can't control baby-me in the dream, and I find myself playing with her necklace. She laughs. 

        "...and she likes gold. Sorry, I mean budder. She really is like you. Such a pretty name, Alice. It means noble, you know." Dad nods, picking up a sword that had been leaning on the door. 

        "I know. She as to be, she's going to be running the kingdom someday after all." The dream begins to dissolve, and the last thing I see is dad waving to the lady and leaving the room. 

        I sit up and look around. The sun is setting, and the temperature has dropped. Now, not only are my pajamas wet and muddy, but cold. 

        "Brilliant. Let's get to this stupid forest people place. Maybe they can explain what the Neather is going on." I start walking again, and after a few minutes it actually helps keep me warm. True, when ever I move, the fabric moves to a new place and gives me a nice reminder about how cold and wet my clothes are, but apart from that I'm not so bad. 

        The sun sets, and I realize I haven't been able to say I know where I am for a while now. I never really went past the clearing, this is quite an adventure. 

        "Well Alice, this is what you get. You beg to play with swords, pretend to fight history book monsters, and don'tlisten to your parents, now look at you. In the middle of the damn woods, in your damn pajamas, with no Notch damned food! You brought this upon yourself." I mutter. It's a sad thing, once you've gotten so bored and frustrated you start talking to yourself. 

        "Alice, don't complain. As far as you know, both your parents are being held by some monsters or-" I stop, realization hitting me. 

        "Dead. Oh Notch they could be dead! N-no. Stop that th-thinking Alice. B-bad Alice!" I feel a wave of fear wash over me, giving me a strange burst of energy. I start running again, my vision slightly blurred my unwanted tears. At least they're warm. I run until my vision is to screwed up to see a damn thing and the burst of energy is gone. Now, I'm just a freezing, starving girl in the middle of the woods with a knife she does't know how to use. 

        "Damn it, mom. Damn it dad. Damn it damn it DAMN IT!" I scream. My knees buckle and I fall into the cold sand by the stream. I don't wanna get up. I don't wanna move. I don't wanna do anything. Screw that. It's not like anything I could do would help, either. I didn't stand up like I always thought I would when told to flee, I fled. I didn't find some amazing way to survive, I fucking starved an dehydrated myself when I'm right next to a fucking stream. 

        "...and then I was like, boom! I headshot! I freaking hit it from the other side of the valley! Beat that, biggums!" Okay, so that's new. I push myself out of the sand and look around. I see a light, and two figures walking through the woods. I can't see them clearly, but right now I don't give a damn who they are, I need help. 

        I stand up shakily and take a step forward. They are on the other side of the stream, but that's only eight or nine feet across. I can make it... I think. One shaky step at a time, I step into the freezing stream. Most of my energy is gone, but I will get across. Damn it, legs, now is not the time to go numb! Of course, my legs are not interested in listening to me, and I end up slipping and splashing into the stream. Now on my hands and knees, covered in water, I'm thinking this is it. 

        "What was that?" I hear a different voice from before, must be the other guy. Why is my vision filled with black dots? 

        "I dunno. You're the one on boarder patrol, I just was nice and decided to give you company. Check it out, you filthy stinkin' baca." He sounds teasing, but I don't give a damn. Let's try talking. Brain, can you do that? 

        "He...lp...m-me." I manage. I can hardly hear myself, brilliant. I hear footsteps, and a surprised intake of breath. 


        "Don't be stupid, Adam's not a teen! Help me get 'em out of here, they must be half frozen to death!" I shake my head, trying to get rid of the dots clouding my vision. I look up, and for a second I see a man about my dad's age walking into the creek with a torch. Then everything goes black. 

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