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Nobody POV:

You and Hobi are exiting from the cafe going towards your car.

You both have a date today. Hoseok promise you that he will take you to the date after coming from LA.

At first he was tired but really want to go with you. You insist him that you are okay if he doesn't want to go, but he force you to go.

Right now you both are going towards your car.

"Jagi are you tired?" you ask him

"Not that much" he said rubbing his eyes.

"I will drive the car" you said signing because you know he is lying.

"but I'm okay" he said with a pout.

You smile at his cute face and said "I can see through your eyes" you said

He grab your hands and pull towards him at the parking area. There is no one around. You both went to Namsan tower when there are only few peoples.

"You take care of me to much" he said pulling his mask kissing you on lips.

You smile in the kiss 
"Let's go" you said pulling away.

"Now I just want to go home and cuddle with you and before that I want to take shower" he said

"You want to take shower?" you said curiously

"I just want to" he said sitting on passenger seat while you sit on driver seat.

"Do you want to eat something?" you ask him

"ani, I don't want to" he said huskily.

You hum then turn the car on. You drove silently.

Hobi was not speaking just seeing outside the window. You stopped the car at a store and you turn towards Hobi to find him asleep on his seat.

You didn't wake him up just leave him on his seat. You went into the store and buy what you want to.

When you come into the car you see Hoseok still asleep.

You see him sweating because he is wearing a jacket and heater was also on.

You pull his hat and mask off opening his jacket a little bit so he can breath properly,ruffling his hair.

You smile at his angelic face.

You start driving going towards your apartment. When you reach your apartment you stop the car at parking area.

You turn towards Hoseok waking him up.

"Baby wake up" you said

He stir and open his eyes. He sit up and rub his eyes.

"We are here" you said

You said and open the door of your side getting out. He come out of the car.

He stretch and ruffle his hair. He come towards you grabbing your hand. You both went towards the elevator clicking on to your floor.

Hobi hug you from behind and ask you "Why did you not wake me?"

"you look tired and I don't want to wake you"

He hum still hugging you. You reached your floor and went towards your apartment. He follow you grabbing your waist.

You open the door, hobi took off his shoes and went towards the bedroom.

"Baby I'm going to take shower" he said going towards the attached bathroom.

"Ok" you say

You put your jacket on it's place and went towards the closet. You open the door and take out Hobi shirt and your shorts.

You changed into the clothes then washing your face doing your skin care. You got this skin care habit by hobi. He daily do his skin care.

After you are done, you grab your phone and lay on the bed looking in your social media accounts.

When you are scrolling you heard the sound of door opening of your bathroom and see Hobi on his night clothes.

His hairs are wet.

"Jagi can you come here" he said

"Coming" you said going in bathroom. You see him standing front of the mirror.

"what?" you ask

"Can you dry up my hair please" he said pouting.

"Ok.. Come on bed I can't reach your height" you said smiling.

You both went to the bed, you let him sit on the bed while you grab the hair dryer.

You first rub his hair with the towel then grab the dryer drying his hair.

He lean into you while you dry. When you are done you put the dryer on it's place and kiss his head.

"Now I don't have any energy" he said leaning onto you fully.

You smile kissing his head and turn off the light. You make him lay on bed. He pull you towards him kissing you on lips.

"Goodnight" he said

"Goodnight" you said kissing him on lips.

You both fell asleep.


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