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I woke up with a killer hangover. I was scared to even open my eyes because I was scared that the light would make me sick. Hopefully, I will learn soon that I'm approaching my 30s rather than my 20s and I'll stop drinking so much.

I was sleeping on my side, so I moved slightly to see if the movement would make me sick or not. The world was still spinning, but I didn't feel sick, so I moved to my back and opened my eyes to look at the ceiling. The white ceiling made everything worse, so I closed my eyes and tried to gather all the strength to get up and get some water. The environment looked unusual for me and then it hit me that I was in Joonas's living room. I sat up and saw a water glass and a pack of painkillers on the coffee table. I took the painkillers and finished the whole glass. I was dying.

Joonas was god sent sometimes, he always thought about others no matter how he was feeling himself and I was sure that one day he will make some woman really happy. I was about to get up when I heard the doorbell go off and instinctively I put my hands over my ears. I heard a loud curse coming behind the living room door and then the front doors opening.

I heard Joonas's and Joel's voices and I wanted to flee the scene. Why did it have to be Joel?! I hated when people saw me hungover and dying. I still had yesterday's makeup on, my hair was a mess and not to mention the headache that made me want to sign a deal with the devil.

I accepted my faith that eventually I would have to face the day, but I decided to lay back on the sofa and check my phone. It was already well past 12 pm and there were a few messages from Alice and some other friends. I didn't want to deal with that now so I put the phone back and put the back of my hand on my forehead and closed my eyes. But then the living room door opened and both Joel and Joonas stepped inside.

"Good morning," Joel chuckled after he saw me opening one eye. I looked at the man who didn't know the pain of hangover this morning and gave him a tight smile and wanted to say something sarcastic back, but I was too drained. I closed my eyes and hoped I would block both boys from bothering me, "I bought coffee."

I opened my eyes again to Joel's comment and slowly sat up again to reach out for the coffee. This man really knew me too well.
I moved my legs closer to myself, so Joel could sit next to me while Joonas sat down on the floor and leaned his head back to the wall.

"I had forgotten that you cannot overdrink this woman," Joonas complained.

"I should know my limits by now," I also complained and took the lid off the coffee and took a sip of the hot drink.

"But it looked like you had fun," Joel joined the conversation with a much more cheerful tone than mine or Joonas.

"Don't tell me that I have posted something for the whole world to see?" I whined.

"No, no. Just some dumb snapchats you send in the middle of the night," Joel smiled my way and I was scared to even ask what have I send him.

"What are you even doing here?" I questioned while continuing to sip the coffee.

"I'm being a good friend," Joel defended himself, "Also, you should check your messages," Joel whispered the last part even if Joonas could hear it. My eyes grew big and I grabbed my phone from the coffee table and opened my messages.


Drunk me was a cliché. There was a full-on conversation with Joel I had no memory of. Mostly just me whining about how much I missed him and he should come over, and Joel reminding me that I am drunk and I shouldn't get some sleep. And some more messages where he bribed me with coffee and lunch if I go to sleep and apparently that worked.

"Thank you for the coffee, you really are a lifesaver right now, and thank you for dealing with my dumb ass," The coffee was still hot, but I couldn't care less as I needed to feel the bitter liquid running through my body. I moved closer to Joel and put my head on his shoulder because I just needed to rest my head somewhere otherwise I thought that it will fall off. I felt Joel's arm move so I got my head up a bit and he wrapped it around my shoulders. I was safe in Joel's embrace, I even thought that my hangover was getting better because of feeling Joel so close.

Trying Your Luck // Joel HokkaWhere stories live. Discover now