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I woke up from the movement next to me. I opened my eyes and saw Joel's blond-haired head on my shoulder while his arm was wrapped around my middle, clinging to my body as his life depended on it.

I have heard about his troubles sleeping and basically his addiction to sleeping pills, so hearing his soft snores and peaceful breathing made me relieved. My hand automatically started to stroke his hair and I felt Joel's body stir a bit and I got scared that I woke him, but he just tightened his grip on me and kept on sleeping.

I looked at the TV table where the electronic clock showed that it was just a bit past 7 am. I was the sleepyhead in our relationship, Joel often had to drag me out of the bed or he would be long gone before I woke up.

My mind was calm for the first time in a while. Having Joel so close to me made me calm, even though yesterday happened, I felt relieved that Joel took my honesty and didn't throw a tantrum. Because the Joel I knew most likely would have. This person laying next to me was a different version of Joel I left, more mature and less hot-headed, but I believe it has something to do with his tiredness. I was proud of what he has become, but it scared me at the same time. I knew that his demons would try and get the worst out of him if he let himself rest, so he would just keep going, keep working.

I felt my hand going a bit numb, but I didn't want to move because I knew that Joel was a light sleeper and too much movement would indeed wake him up, so I just accepted my fate and after a while, I fell asleep again.

I heard a soft touch brushing my hair and I woke up once again. Joel's face was just a few inches away from mine and his lips formed a small smile when I opened my eyes.

"Good morning," Joel's voice was still raspy from sleep.

"Morning," I said quietly, as my voice still adjusted to the speaking. Joel took his hand away, it felt like he suddenly got shy, so I sneaked my arm around his middle and put my head on his chest, showing him that it was okay to be close.

"What's wrong?" I asked after I felt how tense he was.

"Nothing, I just think I'm still dreaming," Joel whispered.

"Want me to pinch you?" I laughed and looked up at him.

"Haha," Joel laughed sarcastically, "but thank you for sleeping here. I don't think I have had such a peaceful sleep in a long time."

"I'm glad," I felt Joel's hand wrap around my shoulders, and, God, it felt so right, "What time is it?"

"Just past nine," as soon as Joel finished his sentence, I heard some scraping outside the hotel room door and then a loud "beep" and someone stepping into the room.

I opened one eye and saw Joonas and Aleksi standing by the foot of the bed, smiling smugly.

"Aww, look, mum and dad made up!" Joonas cheered and wrapped his hand around Aleksi's shoulder, "It's a good day!"

"Can mum and dad get some alone time around here?" I complained.

"You already had a whole night, but it seems like you don't know how to use opportunities, as I see no one is naked," Joonas stated a bit disappointedly.

"Jeez, when was the last time you got laid?"

"Probably more recently than you."

"Okay, okay, no need for nagging, but mum and dad have to get up, as we have to get out of the hotel soon," Aleksi played along.

"Not you too!" Joel signed deeply.

"When did this even become a thing?" I questioned.

"You are just the oldest, so automatically you are the parents!" Joonas explained as he sat on the TV table.

Trying Your Luck // Joel HokkaWhere stories live. Discover now