Chapter 6

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Rose sighed as she entered the restaurant, clutching onto her purse nervously as she did. She saw Ransom stand up as she approached, wearing black slacks and a black button down with the top button undone and his sleeves rolled up. She smiled as he kissed her cheek, holding her chair out for her.

"Rosie. You look beautiful." He sat across from her as he surveyed her royal blue dress that was off one shoulder that fell halfway down her thigh.

She blushed slightly, seeing him smile as she did. "Thank you. And what did I say about calling me Rosie?"

Ransom shrugged, "I like it. It bothers you that much?"

Rose sighed, "I haven't decided yet."

Ransom laughed as he ordered them some wine. "So tell me about your family Rose. You've met mine."

She chuckled nervously, "only child. My mother passed away when I was a teenager. I'm really close with my dad though."

"Oh. I'm sorry about your mother Rosie."

She shrugged, "it was a long time ago. Thank you Ransom."

He nodded as he poured them both wine, "so just you and your dad?"

She took a drink of her wine, "mostly, yeah. So your grandfather is something."

Ransom laughed, "he is. He really likes you. He was asking when I was going to bring you around again."

"He's sweet. Your family wasn't quite as terrible as I had imagined."

He smiled, "thanks?" He chuckled, shaking his head, "just a lot of strong personalities all trying to talk over the next. Easy to feel overwhelmed around them. I mostly sit in the corner and listen."

She nodded, "and what do you do Ransom? For work?"

Ransom felt his face turn red with embarrassment, "nothing really. My grandfather keeps trying to get me to come work for him. I went to college for writing and editing. He wants me to be an editor."

Rose smiled, "and why don't you do that?"

He shrugged, "I don't want to? And besides, I don't want to mess anything up."

She rested her hand on his as he looked up at her, "what do you want to do then?"

He hesitated, "I um... I actually write anonymously for the Boston Globe every week. Signed H.T for Hugh Thrombey."

"What?! I read your stuff every weekend. I didn't know that was you."

Ransom smiled, "you read it?"

"Yes!" She grinned at his small laugh, "I love your stuff. Why do you do it anonymously? Why do you let your family assume you hold no ambition?"

He shrugged, "why shatter their image of me?" He heard her sigh as they ordered their food. "And you? You're a legal secretary?"

Rose nodded, "yeah. I like it okay. Pays the bills. And I mostly get left alone. They give me work, and I do it alone without anyone bothering me."

Ransom laughed, "that's why I like to write. I do it on my own time, when I like."

She leaned towards him, "and how did you know about the sunflowers."

He grinned, "I told you." He brought his hand up to her cheek, "you shine like the sun. I just knew it was sunflowers." He smiled as he kissed her as their food arrived.


Ransom led Rose into his house, this time them both taking off their shoes as he watched Rose look around.

"You're very tidy." She looked around, seeing that everything had a place. She moved a knickknack on a shelf and laughed when Ransom came up behind her to move it back, "you're a control freak Mr. Drysdale."

He sighed, "I am. Yes. Please don't move things."

She laughed, holding her hands up as she followed him into the kitchen. She watched him pull two glasses, setting them both on the counter as he poured an amber liquid into each one. She smiled as he handed her one. "I'm not sure this would work out. You might be too uptight for me Ransom."

He laughed, "I'm not uptight."

"Uh huh." She finished her drink quickly before going into his room as she heard him follow her.

"What are you doing?"

She ignored him as she walked into his closet to find everything neatly hung and color coded. She giggled, looking back at him, "you were saying?"

He shrugged, "so I like to be organized. There's nothing wrong with that. That doesn't make me uptight." He approached her, pinning her against the wall, "is that really what you want to talk about?" He laughed at her small giggle as she shook her head, wrapping her arms around his neck as he crashed his lips into hers.

Rose moaned as he ran his right hand up her thigh, under her dress as he pulled her underwear down. He pulled away, pulling them all the way off as he knelt in front of her.

"I believe I owe you me being on my knees." He grinned at her moan as she nodded, resting her left leg up on his shoulder as he kissed her slit. He felt her hands in his hair as licked her slit, sliding his tongue inside as he heard her moan loudly above him.

She bucked against him as she felt his tongue travel to her clit, flicking it as he took it into his mouth. "Ransom.."

He grinned at her whimpering his name as he brought his hand up, sliding two fingers in, and out, and in a few times before adding a third finger. He heard her groan above him as nipped at her clit, making her push against him as she came hard on his hand. He stood up as he unbuttoned his shirt, pulling it off with his t-shirt before lifting her to him.

She moaned into his mouth as she tasted herself as he led her to his bed. She grabbed a condom from the nightstand as she watched him remove the rest of his clothes. She pulled off her dress and bra as she sat on the edge of the bed. She grabbed his cock, pulling him to her as she took him into her mouth.

Ransom groaned as he looked down, watching his cock in her mouth as he felt her scrape her teeth gently across the shaft, "fuck Rosie."

She laughed, leaning back as she slid the condom onto him slowly. She squealed as he leapt onto her on the bed quickly positioning himself between her legs as he slid in. She grunted, throwing her head back as he chuckled.

He leaned down to her as he began his movements, slow at first. He kissed up her stomach to her chest, between her breasts. He trailed his kisses along her right breast to her nipple, pinching it between his tongue and upper teeth as he mirrored his movements with his hand on her left breast. He heard her moan as she gripped the blanket beside him. He grinned, kissing up her neck, hovering his mouth over hers, "you're so beautiful Rosie. I never want you to leave this bed."

She chuckled, wrapping her legs around him, pulling him in as he moaned. She wrapped her arms around his neck, "well you have me in your bed Ransom. Now kiss me as I cum."

He grinned, his tongue finding hers before his lips did. He heard her moan into his mouth loudly as he felt her orgasm flowing through her.

Rose laid in Ransom's bed, out of breath as she watched him get up and go into the bathroom to throw away his condom before coming back to crawl into bed beside her.

"I'm not letting you leave me this time."

She laughed, resting on his chest as he pulled a blanket up, over them both. "You're amazing Ransom."

He chuckled, "here I was thinking the same thing about you." He looked down at her on his chest, "I really like you Rose. And that's really hard for me to say to a woman."

Rose smiled, looking up at him as she ran her hand up his chest, to the nape of his neck, "I really like you too Ransom." She moaned softly as he kissed her, rolling her to her back. She felt him hard against her, "again?"

Ransom moaned, nodding, "I don't think I want to sleep tonight."

Ransom Drysdale - Thorns 💛Where stories live. Discover now