Chapter 19

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"What did she choose?" Rose waited in the living room with Ransom as Sloane put on her Halloween costume.

Ransom laughed, "just wait. I thought she'd want to be a princess or something. But of course not."

Rose looked at Ransom, "okay?" She looked up as Sloane came out of her bedroom in a shark costume, making her laugh. "Well aren't you the cutest shark ever?"

Sloane scoffed, crossing her arms, "sharks aren't cute mom!"

Ransom nodded, standing up next to her, "of course not love. You look very scary and fierce." He grinned at Rose as she shook her head.

"Thank you Ransom!"

Rose laughed as she stood up, "as long as you like it I guess. Come on. We should get going." She watched Sloane walk ahead of them as she turned to Ransom, "thanks for taking her to pick out a costume."

He nodded, bringing his hand up to her cheek, "of course. It was fun. She's great. You have a great kid. You know we could make some more great kids."

Rose laughed again, "come on you." She heard him laugh as she pushed him in front of her.


Ransom laid in bed, typing on his computer as he watched Rose enter the bedroom. She set a stack of papers on his computer.

"What are these?"

He picked them up, closing his laptop. "They are house listings."

She nodded, crawling into bed beside him, "I see that. Why? Are you buying a house?"

He sighed, "no. I told you I wouldn't make any important decisions without talking to you about it first. I took my mom to lunch the other day and grabbed some listings when I left. I thought we could look at them together. You and I."

She groaned, "it's too soon Ransom. And if I let you buy us a house then your dad is right."

Ransom scoffed, "first of all, he's never right. Don't say that, ever. Second of all, I've been practically living here the last almost three months anyways. What is wrong with looking into a bigger place for the three of us. Not your place, not my place, but our place. One we choose together. I'm not saying right now. I'm saying I wanted to talk about it. And then maybe start to look seriously after the first of the year."

She sighed, "that doesn't sound completely unreasonable."

He laughed, "you can say it, you know."

She groaned, "fine. You're right. We should talk about it. But I have money. Just because I live in a tiny apartment doesn't mean I don't have any money. I just didn't see the need to move into a bigger place with just the two of us."

He nodded, "well now it's the three of us, right? You're not second guessing being with me?"

"No. Of course I'm not Ransom."

"Good." He pulled her to his chest as he put his computer and papers on the nightstand. "We can look into something we can split if you like. Though I don't mind buying the house. I have this money that is just sitting there and I still have to sell the condo. And you can save the money you've saved for Sloane."

She smiled up at him, "I like that idea."

He chuckled, "I love you Rose. I'm sure we can figure out something. I just want to be with you. And make a life with you. If that's something you still want."

"It's all I want Ransom. Come here." She pulled him on top of her, "I love you too." She moaned as he kissed her, feeling his hand in her shorts, his finger finding it's way inside quickly. "Ransom.."

He smiled, pulling off her shorts before pulling off his underwear. He pulled on the bottom of her t-shirt, helping her take it off. He pulled her onto him as he laid on his back, moaning as he felt her easing onto him. He groaned, resting his head back as he felt her taking over. He ran his hands up her thighs to her waist, up to her breasts, cupping them gently in his hands, rubbing her nipples between his fingers as he heard her moaning. "Shh love. Not so loud."

She giggled, leaning down to him as he moved his hands to her back, "I love you Ransom." She didn't let him respond as she crashed her lips into his, feeling him bring a hand up to her hair, keeping her mouth on his as she clenched around him. She heard him groan as she felt him spurting as he held her down on him.

He finally released her, letting her lay back next to him, both of them out of breath, "I love you too Rosie."

She sighed, "I don't think I'll ever get tired of that."

He laughed, "then you better lock me down Rosalie Miller. Marry me before another girl comes to try and snatch me away."

She laughed, rolling to him as she hit him on the chest, "any other girl can try." She squealed as he flipped her to her back, pinning her under him.

"I don't see any other girls. You're the only one for me. And you're going to marry me." He smiled at her giggle as he began to kiss her neck again.

Ransom Drysdale - Thorns 💛Where stories live. Discover now