Chapter 18

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"Come outside." Rose looked up as Ransom entered her apartment on Sunday morning. She laughed as he started to leave but turned back to her, "and bring Sloane!"

She grabbed Sloane's hand, leading her outside to find Ransom leaning against the side of a brand new SUV. "What is this Ransom?"

"You said the BMW wasn't child friendly. So." He motioned to the car, "I got a new car."

"You got rid of the BMW?!"

He sighed, "no. I wanted to, but I couldn't. I love that car."

She laughed, wrapping her arms around his midsection, "I love that car too."

He chuckled, "I know you do." He opened the door to show her he bought a booster for Sloane for the car. "So I can take her in my own car."

Rose sighed as Sloane climbed into the car, looking at everything, "I thought we were supposed to talk about big decisions."

He shrugged, "but if I discussed everything with you then I could never surprise you."

She laughed, "not everything. But it's fine Ransom. You're sweet for wanting something more family friendly."

He smiled, wrapping his arms around her, "family friendly. Yes."

She blushed, "I love you Ransom."

He nodded, leaning down towards her, "I love you too. You still sure about coming later? My mother hasn't left me alone about it all week."

She sighed, "I'm sure. They're going to be nice right?"

"Of course they will. They love you. They'll love her too. Don't worry."

She nodded as he closed the distance, kissing her before their attention was brought back to Sloane.

"Can we go for a drive?"

Ransom laughed as she leapt at him from the car. "We will this afternoon when we have dinner at my family's house. Okay?"

Sloane nodded as Ransom carried her back inside, "okay."


Rose sighed as she got out of the car, letting Sloane out as she gripped her hand. She looked down at Sloane, "it's okay. Don't be nervous."

Sloane nodded, grabbing Ransom's hand with her free hand.

He smiled, leading them into the house. Everyone fell silent as they entered the sitting room and Sloane hid slightly behind Ransom. He chuckled, leaning down to pick her up. "Everyone, I'm sure you remember Rose, this is her daughter Sloane. Say hi Sloane."

Sloane waved softly before burying her face in Ransom's neck.

Rose laughed, "she's not usually so shy. I'm sorry."

Linda smiled, standing up, "that's okay dear, we were just about to sit down for dinner. Join us. I had Fran set an extra place between you and Ransom for Sloane."

Ransom carried her into the dining room, setting her in the chair between him and Rose. He smiled at Rose as everyone started to break off into their own conversations.

Linda looked at Sloane, "how old are you dear?"

Sloane looked at Rose who nodded her encouragement. She sighed, looking back at Linda, "I'm 6. Are you Ransom's mom?"

She smiled as Rose and Ransom chuckled, "yes."

"Where's her father?"

Ransom looked at Richard and shook his head but Richard only rolled his eyes.

"I've never had a dad. It's always just been me and my mom."

Richard scoffed, "was she waiting on a richer target?"

"Hey!" The table went silent as Ransom hit his hand on the table. He turned to Meg, "will you take Sloane out back to play with the dogs?"

Meg nodded, "of course."

Rose looked at Sloane, "it's fine. Go with Meg."

Sloane nodded, "ok mama."

Once she was gone, Ransom looked at Richard, "what is the matter with you? She's a child."

Richard shrugged, "why are we just now hearing about the girl? She was obviously just trying to get you hooked because of your money."

"That's not true."

Ransom placed his hand on Rose's thigh, "don't say a word Rosie. You don't owe him anything." He saw her nod before looking back at his father, "you don't know anything about it. And let's not pretend why you married my mother."

"Ransom, I don't want to fight."

He sighed, looking at Rose as he felt her squeeze his hand under the table. "Me either." He looked back at Richard, "I love Rose and I know she loves me. I'm sorry that you can't imagine loving someone without there being something else in it besides love." He sighed, looking back at Rose, "come on. Let me take you and Sloane home. We can get something to eat on the way."

Rose smiled, nodding as she followed Ransom out back to Sloane. They were stopped by Linda on their way out.

"You don't have to go. You know how your father is."

Ransom sighed, "yes, I do. But he has no right to say anything about my relationship. We'll come back when our relationship can be respected. When Rose can be respected."

Linda sighed and nodded, "I'll talk to him. Make him apologize."

Ransom climbed into the drivers seat after getting Sloane fastened in the back.

Rose grabbed his hand, "I don't want to keep you from your family, especially your parents."

He laughed, "my family is insane Rose. It's fine. And you're not keeping me from anything. Except maybe from dinner. Who wants to get burgers?"

"I do!"

He laughed at Sloane raising her hand, "burgers it is." He leaned towards Rose, "it's fine. Really. She'll talk to him and make him apologize and then he'll just be passive aggressive and silent when we come over next time. That's for the best anyways."

Rose laughed, "okay."


Ransom brought a box into Sloane's room before bed, "I missed your birthday, so I bought you something for your room."

"Really?" She sat up in her bed, opening the box to find a lava lamp with synthetic jelly fish inside. "I love it! Thank you Ransom!"

He laughed, "you're welcome." He got it set up, handing her the little remote, "you can change the color to whatever you like." He grunted as she wrapped her arms around his neck a little too tight, "I'm glad you like it. Now go to sleep." He closed her door before going to Rose's, crawling into bed beside her. He heard her moan softly as he pulled her to him. "I love you girls."

She smiled, "we love you."

He sighed, "you never told me about her father."

Rose shrugged, "there's nothing to tell. He was someone I was dating casually. Haven't heard from him since I said I was pregnant. He's long gone."

He nodded, "okay. Because you're mine. Both of you."

She laughed, "we are." 

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