Chapter 12

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Harlan watched Ransom plop in front of him as he sat in his study. "Ransom. What's the matter? Trouble with the fake girlfriend?"

Ransom looked up at Harlan, "how did you know about that?" He scoffed, shaking his head, "never mind. You always know everything. Yes. It's about Rose."

Harlan nodded, "okay? What about her? I thought you guys liked each other. You better not mess this up with her Ransom."

He sighed, "she lied to me. She has a daughter and didn't tell me."

"Oh. I see." Harlan came out from behind his desk, taking the seat next to Ransom, "did she lie to you or just not tell you about her?"

"She didn't tell me about her. But I asked her about her family and she didn't say anything."

Harlan laughed, "can you blame her? You have a reputation as a giant child yourself Ransom." He put his hand up as Ransom went to argue, "don't bother son. You know I'm right. You have no idea what it must be like for her to be a single mother and have men not want to be with her simply because she has a child. Are you going to let this stop you from being with her?"

Ransom shook his head, "I don't know. I don't know if I can get over the fact that she lied to me."

Harlan scoffed, "that's not why you're upset and we both know it. You're upset because you're scared of not measuring up. That's been your problem your entire life. That's why you don't tell anyone you write for the Globe." He put his hand up again as he chuckled, "this woman may not have told you but she agreed to go on a date with you knowing that there was a chance that you too might run when you found out."

Ransom scoffed, "no. We made a bet. She only went out with me because I beat her at chess." He looked up as Harlan laughed at him, "what?"

"Oh son, that girl let you win. I watched the entire game. She had you. She let you win because she wanted to go out with you."

"She did?"

Harlan nodded, resting his hand on Ransom's shoulder, "she did. What are you going to do about it? You love her?"

Ransom shrugged as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, "I don't know. I think I could."

Harlan stood up, patting him on the shoulder, "good. Then do something about it."

Ransom stood up as he watched Harlan sit back in his seat, "how did you know I write for the Globe?"

Harlan chuckled, "you think I don't recognize your writing style? Hugh Thrombey?"

Ransom turned red as he nodded.

Harlan smiled, "I'm proud of you son."

Ransom nodded as he felt his eyes well, "thanks Harlan."


Rose sighed as she answered her phone while on her lunch break, which she took, not eating, at her desk, "hey Wren. How goes there?"

Wren scoffed, 'me? I'm fine. How are you? I've barely talked to you in weeks. Have you not heard from him?'

"No. He's long gone, just like all the others Wren. It's fine. I'm over it."

'Right.' She laughed, 'if that were true, you would go out with me tonight.'

Rose groaned, "I don't want to."

'Stop wallowing and move the fuck on Rosalie!'

"I'll think about it! Ugh. I can't believe him. He's completely ghosted me. He hasn't talked to me since the ice cream shop."

Wren sighed, 'you really had it bad, didn't you?'

"Almost. I was stupid to think that Ransom Drysdale was grown up enough to accept that I was a mother. It's my fault."

Wren groaned, 'no it isn't. It's his fault for being a dick.'

"Yeah. Well. I have to get back to work Wren. I'm sorry. I'll call you later." She looked up to see Ryan approach her desk in a suit. She stood up, letting him kiss her on the cheek as she smiled, "what are you doing here?"

He shrugged, "I'm an attorney. I'm here for a deposition. How are you Rose." He brought his hand up to her cheek, "you look sad."

She grabbed his hand from her cheek as she chuckled, "I'm okay. Let me show you to the conference room."

He nodded as he followed her, taking a seat. He grabbed her hand before she could walk away, "can I take you to dinner? Just to talk. Nothing serious." He shrugged, "you look like you could use a friend."

She sighed, grabbing a legal pad from the center of the table. She scribbled her number on it, handing it to him, "call me later." She went to leave, but turned back to him from the door, "just as friends. I'll let them know you're here."

Ryan smiled, "of course. Thank you Rose."

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