Chapter 16

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"So. It's just you and me kid, what do you want to do today?" Ransom smiled at Sloane as he sat across from her at the kitchen table of Rose's apartment.

Sloane shrugged, "I don't know. I'm the kid, people tell me what I want to do."

Ransom laughed, watching her, "well okay then. But now you have the power. What do you want to do with it?" He watched her sky blue eyes look up at him from her pancakes, thinking. "You look just like your mother." He leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms as she seemed to be investigating him, making him smirk.

"Are you my mama's boyfriend?"

Ransom nodded, "I think so, yeah."

"What do you mean you think so?"

He chuckled, "I mean we haven't discussed it officially yet, but yes."

Sloane nodded, "do you love her?"

Ransom watched her before sighing. He leaned towards her, "yes. But I haven't told her that yet. So that stays between us?"

Sloane grinned as she nodded, "okay. I want to go to the park."

Ransom shrugged, "okay."

"And I want ice cream."

He grinned, "done. After lunch."

"Okay! And I want to go to the Aquarium!"

Ransom laughed, standing up, "okay then. We should get going if we're going to do all that. Aquarium first?"

Sloane nodded enthusiastically, "yes please!"


Ransom leaned down to Sloane once they were inside the aquarium, "stay close to me little one." She didn't say anything as she grabbed his hand, leading him as he laughed.

Sloane stopped in front of the jelly fish. "Did you know that jelly fish have been around for more that 600 millions years!? That's long before the dinosaurs. They don't have brains or hearts and are 98% water!"

Ransom laughed as he watched her animated explanation. "You like jelly fish?"

Sloane, "I do! Come on!"

He watched her drag him to the reptile section, bringing him in front of the anaconda exhibit. "Nope. No way little one." He tried to pull her away from it but Sloane rolled her eyes, not moving.

"Don't be such a baby! They squeeze their prey tighter and tighter every time they breath out until they can no longer take a breath. And then they eat them whole!"

Ransom groaned, watching her mimic the movements of the snake with her hands, "you're a morbid child. Can we go look at something less threatening. Something cute. Like the penguins!"

Sloane giggled at him, grabbing his hand, "so I guess that's a no at having a pet snake?"

Ransom laughed as he followed her, "I know I speak for your mother when I say no, definitely not." He saw her roll her eyes as they landed in front of the penguins, "better."

Sloane sighed, "yes. They're cute. But harmless."

Ransom chuckled, "you're adorable. Want to go look at the sharks?"


He laughed as she dragged him away from the penguins.


"Sorry we didn't have enough time to go to the park today Sloane. Maybe next time."

"That's okay! I love the aquarium. It's my favorite place."

Ransom laughed, watching her eat her sundae, "good. So did you have a good day?"

Sloane nodded, smiling, "I did. Thank you Ransom."

"Good. It's getting kind of late. Don't tell your grandfather I gave you ice cream before dinner."

She giggled, nodding, "okay. Our secret."

Ransom nodded, "just like the other thing?"

"That you love mama?"

He laughed, "yes. That."

She nodded, looking down at her ice cream, "will you be around to tuck me into bed later?"

"If you want me to, I can." He shrugged, seeing her smile at his answer.

"Most of my mom's boyfriends don't like me."

He leaned towards her, "what do you mean?"

She shrugged, "you're the only one I've ever met. Anytime mama tells anyone about me, they don't like mama anymore. It's because of me."

Ransom sighed, groaning. "No. It's not you at all sweet girl. I promise. And I promise that I'm not going anywhere. Okay?" He saw her nod as she smiled. "Come on, let's go buy your mom some flowers for the apartment before I take you to your grandfather's house."

"Okay! Her favorites are sunflowers."

Ransom laughed, "I know. What are your favorite flowers?"

Sloane shrugged, "I don't know."

He nodded, "I'll figure it out. Come on sweet girl."


Ransom knocked on Paul's door, watching Sloane run inside as the door opened. He laughed, "thanks for letting me take her today."

Paul nodded, moving so Ransom could enter, "of course. Did you guys have a good day."

"We had the best day! We went to the aquarium!" Sloane grinned as she plopped onto the couch.

Paul laughed, looking at Ransom, "you were there all day weren't you?"

"We were. It's fine. I had a good day." He knelt down to Sloane, "I had a good day with you today. Thank you for showing me around the aquarium."

Sloane nodded, smiling, "you're welcome. Thanks for taking me."

Ransom sighed as she wrapped her arms around his neck, "I promise we'll hang out again soon. Just you and me. Okay?"

"Can we?"

Ransom laughed, "of course we can. I told you, I'm not going anywhere."

"Okay. Thank you Ransom."

He blushed as she kissed him on the cheek before disappearing down the hall. He chuckled, standing up, "thanks for watching her. Rose and I need to talk about, well everything."

Paul nodded, "of course. It's fine. I'll bring her back at 8:30 for bed."

Ransom nodded, "that's good. Thank you Paul."

Paul grabbed his arm before he could walk away, "you're not going anywhere?"

"I promise I'm not."

Paul smiled, "okay then."

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