Chapter 9

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Rose sighed as she took some plates into the kitchen, tossing them into the trash as she looked at Paul. "Thanks for letting Sloane have her party here. So many little girls running around."

Paul laughed, "you're welcome. As long as she has a good time, that's all I care about." He nudged her shoulder, "and how's it going with Ransom?"

She smiled, "good. He took me for an early dinner yesterday. I really like him daddy."

Paul nodded, "good. I'm glad. Are you going to tell him about Sloane."

She sighed, "yeah. After his party next weekend. I haven't figure out how to yet. I'm still afraid."

Paul smiled, "I know you are. It'll be okay." He walked away as one of the parents came up to Rose.

Rose looked up at one of the girl's fathers she knew to be single. "I'm sorry. I can't remember your name."

He laughed, offering her his hand, "Ryan."

"Right! I'm so sorry." She shook his hand, "Sawyer's dad?"

He nodded, "that's me. How many girls you have sleeping here?"

"Um.." She took a moment to count in her head, "6?"

He laughed, "I don't have any plans tonight. I could stay the night, help keep an eye on the girls with you." He saw her hesitate, "I have no qualms with sleeping on the couch."

Rose smiled, "okay. Can always use another set of eyes." She heard her phone buzz, "excuse me." She pulled it out of her pocket, going onto the back porch to see a message from Ransom.

I miss you
I need to see you more than once a week

Maybe we can arrange that
I miss you too
Especially your lips

Oh Rosie, don't tease me

I have to go
Call me tomorrow?

As you wish 😘

She came back inside to see Ryan lighting the candles on the cake, "thank you so much."

He smiled as she saw his amber eyes shining, a tendril of blond hair falling in front of them.

Rose blushed at his attention, following him as he carried the cake for her into the living room where the girls were. Once they finished singing happy birthday, she cut the cake in the kitchen, placing slices on plates as Ryan handed them out.


Rose came out into the kitchen after getting the girls to settle down to find Ryan watching a movie in the living room. She grabbed two waters, handing one to him as she sat next to him, "what are you watching?"

He grinned, "House of Wax." He laughed at her disgusted face, "don't judge me. I love a good, bad horror movie. Watch with me?"

She laughed, nodding, "okay. I hate scary movies. You've been warned."

He shrugged, "that's okay. I'll protect you."

She rolled her eyes as she turned off the light next to her, leaving only one small light on in the corner of the room. She flinched at a gory scene, burying her head in Ryan's shoulder as she heard him laugh. She felt him squeeze her thigh as she looked up at him. "I don't know if we can be friends, you making me watch this."

He laughed, "I'm sorry. We can watch something else if you want."

She nodded, going to reach for the remote but he pulled it away from her with a grin, "jerk."

"Ouch." He held the remote out to her, holding onto it as she tried to take it. He leaned in, kissing her as he brought his other hand up to her cheek.

She pulled away, "I'm sorry. I'm sort of seeing someone."

He smiled, handing her the remote, "of course you are. You're beautiful. I'm sorry. I should have asked to kiss you."

She shrugged, 'it's fine. I haven't exactly curbed your flirting all day."

He laughed, "so you did notice."

Rose blushed as she nodded, "I did. I'm sorry."

He shrugged, "it's fine. Let me know if the sort of dating changes to not dating."

She laughed, "I will. Now, can we watch something else please?"

Ryan nodded, "yeah of course we can."


Paul nudged Rose awake in the morning. She groaned, seeing she had fallen asleep on Ryan's shoulder on the couch. She jolted off the couch as she heard her dad laugh at her, "shut up." She reached over, gently shrugging Ryan awake as he smiled up at her.

"Morning." Ryan stood up, "even first thing in the morning, you're gorgeous." He heard her groan before rushing off to another room. He looked at Paul, "something I said?"

Paul shrugged, "she's shy."

Ryan laughed, "somehow I doubt that. I went too far. I'll apologize."

Paul nodded, "that's probably a good idea."

Ryan sighed, fixing the cushions on the couch before going into the kitchen, helping Paul start breakfast as girls started to trickle in. He pulled Rose to the side when she came back, "I'm sorry for the gorgeous comment." He grinned, "I can't help it."

Rose laughed, "it's fine. Honestly, I'm just not used to the attention. And like I said, I'm seeing someone. If I wasn't, I would have let you kiss me again last night."

Ryan nodded, "damn it. Don't tell me that. Tell me you think I'm awful and you'd never be interested in a million years."

Rose laughed again, "I'm sorry. I don't lie." She heard him groan as she shrugged.

"Well you let me know if it doesn't work out. There's a queue."

She shook her head as she blushed, going to help Paul finish breakfast for the girls.

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