Chapter 7

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Ransom woke up in the morning to find Rose getting dressed. He groaned, "it's Sunday, where do you have to be so early?"

She laughed as she sat on the edge of the bed next to him, "that's a conversation for a second or third date Ransom."

He grinned as he sat up next to her, "do I get those?"

She giggled, "at the very least a second one. Whenever you ask."

He nodded, "I will." He leaned towards her, kissing her urgently as he pulled her back to bed.

She laughed, pushing him off her, "I really have to go."

He sighed, standing up, "fine. Can I at least take you home?"

She shook her head, "my car is already here. I'm fine."

He groaned, "can I pay for the car? Why don't you want me to know where you live?"

She sighed, "it isn't that. Like I said, it's a second date conversation. I promise. Okay?"

He nodded, "fine. I'll call you later?"

Rose smiled, "please do. I have to go." She leaned up, kissing him on the cheek before leaving him standing alone in his room.


Rose just changed into shorts and a t-shirt when she heard the front door open, feeling Sloane lunging into her arms, "hello little one."

"Hi mama. How was your date? Do you have a boyfriend?"

Rose laughed, looking up at Paul who only shrugged, "it was fine. And I don't know yet. Maybe. Would that be okay with you?"

Sloane nodded as she grinned, "it would mama!"

She laughed, "okay then. Did grandpa feed you breakfast?"

Paul nodded, "of course I did. Want to go get ice cream this afternoon?"

Rose smiled, "of course I do. When do I ever say no to ice cream?"

Paul laughed, "okay. I'll meet you there after lunch."

She nodded as he kissed her cheek before leaving. She sat on the couch next to Sloane as she rested her head on her shoulder. "Do you know what you want to do for your birthday next week little one?"

Sloane shrugged, "I don't care." She sat up, "are you going to invite your boyfriend?"

Rose laughed, "no. Not yet. He doesn't know about you yet." She saw the disappointment on her face as she sighed, "I wait to tell them because I don't want to bring them around you unless they're serious. I don't want you getting hurt Sloane."

"I know mama. It's okay."


Rose laid in bed when she heard her phone buzzing. She looked to see Ransom requesting a FaceTime with her. She answered, speaking quietly, "hello you."

Ransom smiled, 'hello beautiful. Looks like we're both in bed. I wish you were in mine.'

Rose giggled, "then I wouldn't get any sleep though."

Ransom laughed, 'that's probably true. Can I take you out next weekend?'

Rose sighed, "I can't next weekend. I have a birthday party."

'Oh. Not yours?'

She laughed, "not mine. My birthday was in April."

He nodded, 'okay. Mine is in two weeks. Come to my party at the house?'

Rose shrugged, "that should be okay. You're turning 30?"

Ransom groaned, 'yes."

She laughed, "what's wrong with turning 30?"

'Nothing really. More familial expectations. Pressure to settle down.'

She nodded, hesitating, "and that's something you want to do? Settle down?"

He grinned, 'with the right woman. Yes.'

Rose smiled, "and kids? Do you want to have kids?"

Ransom nodded, 'again, with the right woman. Yes. I can just imagine having little raven haired children like you walking the earth.' Rose blushed, looking away from him. 'Did I embarrass you? You're the one that brought up kids.'

She heard her him laugh as she looked back at him, "not embarrassed, no. I'm just making sure we're on the same page is all."

Ransom smiled, 'I think we are. I'm so glad that idiot stood you up Rosie.' He smiled at her giggle.

"How do you know it wasn't all just a ploy to get the attention of Mr. Ransom Drysdale?"

Ransom laughed, 'is that what happened? Am I being played Rosie?'

She grinned, shaking her head, "no. Of course not. I didn't want to like you Ransom. But I do."

'I know. I'm glad you do. I'm glad I know how to play chess.' He smiled at Rose's laugh. 'If I can't see you next weekend, can I come take you to lunch sometime this week?'

Rose hesitated but nodded, "okay then. Friday? I can get off a little early and have an early dinner with you? I can't spend the night though."

Ransom grinned, 'perfect. I can't wait to see you Rosie.'

She smiled, "me too Ransom. I should go to bed."

He nodded, sliding down further into his bed. He rolled to his side, holding onto the phone as he looked at her, watching her do the same. 'I don't know what you've done to me Rosie. But I can't stop thinking about you.'

"Me too Ransom. Goodnight."

'Goodnight beautiful.'

She sighed, setting her phone on the nightstand. She groaned, turning to stare at the ceiling. She knew she would have to tell Ransom eventually about Sloane, but she didn't want to scare him away.

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