La La La

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One Month Later


As we sit on the plane taking us to LA, I look at Megan and how beautiful she is. I'm glad she looks a lot healthier from when a month ago. She has went from 105 to 115 which really filled her out and her curvier which is really sexy. Once we get into LA, we head to Malibu. I'm glad we get to stay here for a few days. We arrive at our hotel around 3, Megan and I lay on our bed.

"Wow, Colson. It's beautiful out here." 

"I know, but I will always love Cleveland." 

"Me too." 

"Let's go to the beach with the crew." I see her smile and I kiss her.

Megan's POV

I look in the mirror at my body in the swimsuit. I have put on a few pounds, and have been sick lately. I think about it. No I'm not. I can't be. Not again. I hear Colson getting impatient with me, I slip my white shorts and chucks. I walk out the bathroom and see Colson's eye look me up and down.

"Damn baby. I think the beach can wait for it." He laughs

"No, I want to swim." I smile and we head out the door and down the the beach. As soon as we hit sand Colson and I start racing each other to the water. We get into a water fight, the crew and I couldn't stop laughing. I love California, I want to live here if my life will always be like this. Soon my stomach starts not feeling the best so Ash and I lay on the beach to try and get our tan on and watch the boys play.

"Hey, Ash. I got to tell you something but you can't tell anyone."

"What's up?"

"I think I'm pregnant." I see her mouth drop open.

"What makes you think that?"

"I have gained 10 pounds in a month, I have been spotting and I get sick a lot."

"Oh my god. Are you going to tell Colson?" 

"Not yet. I want to make sure. I think I'll take a test."

"Let's go take one now."


"Yes, now. I had a feeling something was up when you weren't smoking anymore." I see her face light up.

"Okay." I wave Colson to come over.

"Hey babe, Ash and I got to do some girl stuff. I'll meet you at the room." 

"Sounds good babe." He kisses me and Ash and I head off to the store. After we got it, we race up to the hotel and take the test. 

"I don't know, if I want to know Ash."

"Come on, Megan! You have too."

"Can't I wait till were home."

"No, now!" She walks out of the bathroom and I take the test out of the box. I look at it. Please don't be positive. I pee on the stick and place it on the counter. I wait and look. Fuck me. It's positive. No, not this again. I walk out with the test in hand, Ash is on the bed.

"Are you?" I nod my head.

"OMG! MEGAN!' I see how happy she is, I play off to act that I'm happy.  After, the sun goes down. I wait in the room for Colson to get back. When he walk in, I look at him. I can't tell him that I am yet. He sits on the bed with me and grabs me.

"Baby, just think we will be home in less than a month." I smile at the thought.

"Colson, you know I would of had a little boy aroud 3 years old right now?" He looks at me all confused.

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, when Shawn and I met. I was still a heavy user and well I got pregnant but I kept it from Shawn. I had planned on quiting for good and going home. I was so scared being 19 and 4 months pregnant but one night I came home from work and he was pissed and high because I didn't make him dinner. He beat me so bad that it caused me to miscarry.I had found out he was a boy about 2 days earlier." He just hugs me.

"I'm so sorry baby." He kisses me and places his hands right were the his son or daughter is too bad  he doesn't know. I can't have a baby. I can't lose another one. I don't know what to do.....


Ooooo. What do you guys think Megan should do?

xoxo Ana

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